A pilot who miraculously survived a plane crash says hospital staff didn't believe his story when he told them.
Jake Elven, 27, from Australia, was on his second-ever flying lesson with an instructor when his engine suddenly failed.
The pair, who had been flying over The Oaks, near Camden in Sydney's southwest began plummeting to the ground before crashing through a tree.
Jake had blacked out before finding himself upside in some bushes.
He said: "It was an interesting feeling the closer we came to the ground, the more I kept thinking 'this is going to hurt'."
"I blacked out for a while after the heavy impact from the first tree, but I remember thinking, as I woke up hanging upside down in the plane, wow, I can't believe I survived that!"

Jake emerged from the crash very disoriented and with a broken leg.
He posted his experience on his social media and updated his followers on his facial and leg injuries.
"Second flight on a plane and I've been in better conditions", he said during the clip.
Jake turned the camera around to reveal the wreckage left behind by the crash.

Shockingly, Jake had driven himself to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital for one and a half hours.
His instructor was picked up by his wife at the airstrip and taken to another hospital.
But Jake says when he arrived at the hospital, the staff initially failed to believe his story.
He says he was very nearly sent to the psych ward after staff looked at him, as he had arrived covered in dirt and blood and had no shoes on.
"I don't think anyone believed me until they saw the video," he said.

Thankfully Jake has only left the crash with a broken leg.
He only needed one operation to treat the badly impacted points of the body.
The crash certainly has not put Jake off flying and he says he plans to get back in the air as soon as he recovered.
Jake says he also plans to purchase his very own aircraft one day.