A keen cyclist was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour after suffering a devastating seizure in a swimming pool as he prepared for an upcoming race.
Andy Griffiths, 55, had been trying to keep himself fit ahead of the Tour of Flanders, known as De Ronde, when he suffered a terrifying tonic-clonic seizure in the water.
He somehow managed to make it to the end of the pool before losing consciousness at the Pure Health Club, in Leamington Spa, Warks., in February 2020.
Andy was rushed to A&E at Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital, where an emergency MRI scan showed a tumour growing on his brain despite no prior warnings.
He underwent a craniotomy, during which most of the mass was removed, on February 19 but a biopsy later revealed the growth was a glioblastoma multiforme.
Six weeks of gruelling radiotherapy and chemotherapy followed alongside three-monthly scans to monitor the tumour, which carries a stark prognosis of just 12 to 18 months.
Andy continued to suffer with debilitating seizures for 15 months after surgery, which led to him retiring from his career as a consultant at an IT firm in Warwick.
He was also forced to give up his passion for cycling over fears he would have a serious accident.
Andy, of Leamington Spa, has now been left with paralysis in his right arm and leg as he continues his battle against the deadly tumour.
He had originally planned to travel to Belgium in his campervan with wife Sandra, 62, to ride the Tour of Flanders cycle in March with his best friend Rob Baldwin.
Recalling the moment he lost control in the water, he said: “When I was swimming, my head jerked from side to side, and I really couldn’t make out where I was going.
"I desperately tried to get to the other end. Sandy was swimming in the other direction, and she soon noticed something was wrong.
"By that time, I had made it to the end of the pool. Within a minute I had lost consciousness still in the pool.
"Sandy shouted for help, which came shortly afterwards.
“Being diagnosed with a brain tumour was a massive shock, to then have to deal with seizures for months after surgery was horrible.
"I dreaded them happening as I couldn’t breathe and would always worry about losing consciousness or even worse, not waking up.”
His latest scan showed the tumour was growing again and since December last year, Andy has been receiving chemotherapy for the second time.
He added: “It’s been 24 months since I received my diagnosis, so I already feel like I have surpassed the average life expectancy of someone with a GBM.
"Things have gone a bit downhill recently, as I have paralysis in my right arm and leg, which I’m told could have been caused by the radiotherapy.”
Two years after they were originally due to take part in the Tour of Flanders, Andy’s pal Rob will take on the 256km challenge to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research.
Andy added: “Rob and I did it together a few years ago and it was extremely tough.
"We signed up again with a view to riding it together in 2020 but my illness and then the pandemic meant that that never happened.
"My limited mobility means I will be at the finish line waiting for Rob, rather than taking part, and our friend Mark will be joining Rob and riding in my honour.”
Rob, of St Asaph, in Denbighshire, north Wales, said: “We have been going to Belgium together with our wives for the last 10 years or so, not only to follow this event but also to celebrate our birthdays which fall around the same time.
"I remember the phone call from Andy. It was almost two years to the day from now, we were in the process of organising our almost annual pilgrimage to Bruges to go to the Ronde over our birthday week, mine is 5th and Andy on 9th April.
"I was devastated and in disbelief at Andy’s diagnosis, but life goes on and you have to set goals to help you get through, so that’s what we did and one of these was the ride this year.”

Mel Tiley, community development manager at Brain Tumour Research, said: “We’re so sorry to hear about Andy’s diagnosis and wish him well with his chemotherapy.
"We’re grateful to Andy, for sharing his story, and to Rob for taking on this challenge alongside Mark.
"It’s only with the support of people like them that we’re able to progress our research into brain tumours and improve the outcome for patients like Andy, who are forced to fight this awful disease.”
Anyone wishing to donate to Rob’s fundraiser, can visit www.facebook.com/donate/1293516797806314 or www.justgiving.com/fundraising/robwbaldwin