A man has been charged with trying to lure a young girl who was walking to Jamieson Elementary School on the North Side Monday morning, according to Chicago police.
Yahya Rashid, 24, was arrested the next day in Chicago Lawn and charged with felony child abduction, felony possession of a stolen vehicle and two misdemeanor counts of theft, police said.
The girl, 12, was walking west in the 2600 block of Bryn Mawr Avenue when a man in a white four-door Honda pulled up and signaled her over with his hand, police said.
The girl continued walking and alerted school staff members, police said. The man then circled the school at 5650 N. Mozart St. several times and parked outside on Mozart for an undisclosed amount of time, police said.
Police said Rashid, from West Rogers Park, was driving a stolen vehicle when he was arrested. He allegedly had stolen items that were taken May 7 in the 5000 block of North Clark and the 5400 block of North Winthrop.
He was expected in court later Thursday.