One man took the phrase “love thy neighbor” to a whole new level, when he insisted his queer neighbor break up with their girlfriend and marry his son instead. He refused to believe the relationship was “real” – and acted out his disdain in the most despicable way. What followed was an epic battle between two women in love and one very entitled man.
Paint, police, and pride flags became the order of the day, as the three were pitted against each other in what could be described as an extreme fight for equality. In the end, there could be only one winner. Aptly calling herself “luvthyf_ingneighbor”, one of the women posted the saga online. She shared a string of very dramatic and detailed updates, as she spilled all of the neighborhood tea. Hold onto your seats. And be prepared for a tale with many twists and turns.
It all began when the woman inherited a house from her grandfather, and decided to have her girlfriend over

Image credits: Unai82 (not the actual photo)
Some of the neighbors knew the women were a couple, but others had no clue

Image credits: Wavebreakmedia (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Cebas (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Wavebreakmedia (not the actual photo)

Image credits: luvthyf_ingneighbor
“Not a real relationship”: Not everyone is accepting of same-sex couples

Image credits: Ketut Subiyanto (not the actual photo)
We’d like to think that America is more progressive than it was before the turn of the century. The first legal same-sex marriage in the U.S. took place in Massachusetts in May 2004. In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that no states could ban same-sex marriages, effectively legalizing them in all 50 states. Nowadays, more people see gender as fluid. We get to choose our pronouns. And there are laws in place that prevent hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community.
But not everyone has moved with the times. There are endless stories of queer couples being harassed by strangers, neighbors and even family. The FBI defines a hate crime as a “committed criminal offense which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias(es) against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”
The bureau’s 2022 stats were released last year. They revealed that anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes were one the rise. There was a 13.8% increase in reports based on sexual orientation. And a 32.9% jump in reported hate crimes based on gender identity.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is one of America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, LGBTQ+ civil rights organizations. It notes that the stats are not complete, because not all hate crimes are reported. The HRC said while the stats are shocking and heartbreaking, they aren’t surprising. “The FBI’s data serves as another alarming indicator of the state of emergency our community finds itself in,” reads a statement by HRC President Kelley Robinson.
People weighed in on the drama, with many genuinely concerned for the couple’s safety

The woman posted an update, revealing that things had escalated to the point that the cops were called in

Image credits: Wavebreakmedia (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Pixabay (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Kindel Media (not the actual photo)

Image credits: luvthyf_ingneighbor
Things seemed to settle down on the street, but it wasn’t long before the gloves came off again

Image credits: Anastasiia Chepinska (not the actual photo)
“Dinah, my GF, and I also have just been living quietly in general hoping the storm passed over.
I can be such a damn fool sometimes. I thought it was all going to be fine. We have cameras, lights, Dinah made a (rainbow – cuz of course) no trespassing sign. She got mini pride flags and staked them in the front garden. Did I mention she gardens? She’s literally a dream girl.
Mr. Miles sort of went back to normal. He smoked his nightly cigars, washed his car, all the usual s**t.
Enter the HOA. I live in a community that, how can I say this? It’s not the hood, but it ain’t fancy. Lots of the people here are people of color and generational owners meaning their grandparents or great grandparents bought the house way back in the day and the owners inherited it. Nobody minds their business, but we let each other be as far as how we use the lawns and s**t like that. It’s very much a “stay in yo lane” situation.
Guy shows up at the door. I’m not home, but Dinah is so this is what she described happened but I admit I “Zennia’d” some details for that extra oomf – Dinah has coined that phrase as according to her I allegedly add a flair to retellings.”
The woman was surprised when a Homeowner Association officer rocked up at the door
“She opens the door with the chain on and this pleasant looking man is smiling at her so she assumes he is a salesman. She just asks if our no soliciting sign is there and is about to close the door at that but he said he’s not selling anything, he’s an officer with the HOA.
Dinah hears the word officer and is cussing in every tongue she knows internally and just asks what he wants. He hands her a notice. Apparently we are in some sort of violation. Dinah’s no pushover so she’s rather unimpressed at this point and he is trying to explain “we noticed some violations-” and she asks point blank if what he’s about to say is in the papers he gave her. He says yes, and she looks it over again.
Hmmm…our rainbow s**t? A violation. Oh no it’s 7. 7 violations all related to our rainbow s**t. Now Dinah’s got a main suspect in who is behind all this and she is laughing in this man’s face. He says he really doesn’t want to fine us since they prefer to laid back. But this is causing complaints.
So I get home and she’s out back painting…nothing off about that. She likes creative DIY stuff so I just let her know I’m home and there’s a box. I assumed it was for her because she freaking LOVES Amazon. She comes in and shows me what she’s working on.
Rocks, signs, a set of garden pots you name it, she has rainbowed it and I just sigh and go “What did that man do now?” And she tells me about HOA. I was like “we have an HOA?” And she hands me the papers. I called the number and the voicemail prompt checks out that it is an HOA. I’ve been the owner of the house for over a year. So its news to me. But I’m also first-time homeowner and I’ve been wrong before. I had and have a million questions. Like don’t we get billed for it or something if we’re part of HOA housing??
Then I noted that all the issues they are threatening to fine are accompanied by grainy photos of said items and they are all our rainbow stuff. I realize that Dinah is two steps off scorched earth (it takes a lot to get her there but baby look OUT when she arrives at that destination) the sign being that she is about to rainbow the whole damn house. I asked her her intentions and she just shrugs and says “Oh I thought they didn’t get the asthetic so I’m helping complete your vision” (HOW IS THIS MY FAULT NOW!???? lol) and I’m like oooooh sweet baby Jesus, I don’t have the Financials to say f**k you if they fine me to oblivion.
We had something of a tiff about it (a tiff is a small little argument but “argument” makes it sounds far more dire than it is) as she was camped in “F them especially” territory and I’m thinking of the possible consequences.”
When the couple received an unexpected (and unwanted) gift from the neighbor, the GF vowed not to go down without a massive fight

Image credits: Justin Casey (not the actual photo)
“I finally calm her down and she’s starting to see my side of it. Guys
, I fought the good fight, I really did, she was coming around, I was so close. So close to squashing this issue, calling it a night, play video games with my boo and go back to normal.
BUT F**KING NO because the goddamn box. The box wasn’t addressed. It was just a box with a note that said it’s a gift. They were flags. Not pride flags but like various sizes of the American flag. Dinah saw this and FLIPPED the f**k out. She’s walking around the house cussing in more than one language. And I’m there in F my life mode knowing damn well we’re a step closer to scorched earth.
That was last night. She was still creating her DIY rainbow stuff when I went to bed. I’m not even going to try and sound like I want to attempt to think it’s anyone else up to this bulls**ttery for obvious reasons – gestures broadly – but also because Mr. Miles smoked his nightly cigar and I don’t know what he said to Dinah, who happened to be out there (yeah right, Baby, since when do you even like sitting outside at night…ALONE) and she is swearing up and down he all but admitted it BUT EVEN IF HE HADN’T she checked our camera and Mr. Miles’s son seems to be taking photos of our home from the sidewalk. So now we know at least Paul has something to do with this too.
Dinah’s not back from work yet, and I WFH so I’m basically just waiting for the other show to drop because now my GF has gone full gollum and God help anyone who tries to stop whatever it is she is thinking about doing. It’s like trying to stick your foot out to stop a bullet train. Not gonna happen and damn painful.”
The couple decided to retaliate with rainbows, once they realized they were well within their rights
“This s**t is going to make me into some gossip columnist or something because what I am about to share is f**king WILD.
The police, after many calls from my GF Dinah, have basically said that our case doesn’t constitute harassment and there is no evidence of anything more (ummm video??) but only destruction of property. They said its largely a civil matter and thus should be handled I’m civil court rather than criminal. Best believe Dinah is not about to let this go.
As for the HOA. We. Dont. Have. One. And by “we,” I mean my street. Miles lives on the corner house, so he’s on a technically different street. We checked and double-checked, and Dinah helped me sort through some paperwork for good measure. Nope. My street never had one and never signed on for one.
Dinah was DELIGHTED by this. I mean, that hot hellion put all her rainbow projects out and then started talking about rainbowing the HOUSE. Like, the whole damn house. She wants to make it a project and for all to call our queer pals together and rainbow paint the exterior, including the garage doors and driveway lol. I…said we should start small, and we agreed that she can paint our front and back porches first and she found cute lights to shine on the house that can project rainbows so we have to check with our other neighbors but I said if they are fine with it, fine, hun.
And now ladies, gentlemen, nonbinary monarchs and all, I present to you, the f**kery.
Mr. Miles saw me washing my Love’s car for her. It was just a thing I wanted to do for her. Not a normal thing I do at all. But she’s been stressed, so I was going for the “hot girl washing cars” thing in part to be cute and silly and was in swimwear. She was calling to me from the upstairs window, whistling and stuff. I laughed. My other neighbors laughed. Mr. Miles came out with a mug of whatever the f**k evil drinks (blood of the innocent? Puppy broth? Who knows. Maybe just s**tty coffee) and was glaring at us, scoffing when she would come out on our porch with her tea to “enjoy the show” – let me be clear, we were not being lewd or anything. She was saying s**t like “What are your rates? My car has never been so beautiful. I’ll pay you double” it’s cheesy s**t couples around here say all the time. Maybe the worst thing she said that maybe was less for public consumption was admittably my favorite thing: “Hey good looking, what am I cookin? I WILL MAKE IT HOT for you” implying she will make dinner. I don’t know if I ever mentioned it, but Dinah is the BEST cook but generally doesn’t take that on regularly, so her offering was heaven for me.
Mr. Miles would ahem loudly, shake his head, do that indignant laugh older folks do, everything so we knew he disapproved and was in the audience. So we ignored him. And I definitely didn’t defiantly stay out longer, flirting with my woman to piss him off…solely.
Anyway, Mr. Miles was too much of a coward, so sent Paul again. I was done with the car and Dinah made me a cool cocktail (where we live outdoor s**t in the summer is done nice and early before the sun gets too high, so it was hotter than Satan’s a*s out) and we sat near the fan enjoying just chatting. Mr. Miles had long gone inside anyway, and this is our home. f**k him. We’re going to enjoy it.
Paul waved as he walked towards us and Dinah said her favorite curses under her breath. He made some small talk with us but Dinah was frosty with him, so I did most of the answers but even I was short. But this is the South, so politeness is a b**ch. Hard to explain. He said he was concerned about our cameras because it looks like they cover the yards of others and there are kids here and “you know what that can look like”. I will blame the cocktail but I was feeling like f**king with him, so I acting dumb. “What will it look like?” And he was all “you know what I mean” and I was like “nah what do you mean, Mr. Paul?” And that went on for a bit and he just stared at me and did a condescending chuckle and shook his head “well we’ll see about what everyone thinks- just trying to be helpful given..” And he gestures at nothing in particular. I smile as sweet as pie and thank him for coming by but the cameras don’t seem to bother anyone but I will ask around. He told me to do that and walked off.
We had been putting it off but this spurred Dinah to look into Mr. HOA. He’s legit. An officer of the HOA on the street the other end of Mr. Miles’s/Sugah’s house. But Sugah has been in the hospital for surgery and won’t be back for at least a few days. She has a daughter I keep tabs with who has been in town to help care for her.
When I talked to my own mother, she sounded annoyed about the situation as a whole and ask if I would mind if she herself had a discussion with Miles. She grew up with him so I said that was up to her. She said “Great!” In that way that I knew she would be calling him.
This morning, Daniel, the other son, caught me as I brought out the trashcans. I was surprised because he doesn’t live there, so I don’t often see him. Small talk blah blah blah, and then he gets close and says that he’s sorry about the whole thing with his dad, but I should be warned that he got into quite mood after talking with my parents (I assume mom) and to tread lightly. I thanked him and went back in to tell Dinah.
Dinah was in the nook (like a half room bay window situation where Pop used to smoke) and she had gift stuff out like gift bags and ribbon. I was trying to figure if I had forgotten a birthday or something and she just giggled and told me to come here. Rainbow flags. A lot of mini ones. Stuffed in a bright gift bag. I just looked at her like “Baby nooooooo” and she just shrugged saying she was the newbie here and wanted to be a good neighbor. To her credit there are more than one gift bags and she is dropping them off as I write to every house on the street but I know my GF. This is an F you too to Miles.
Anways, have a good long weekend if you’re in the states. I still have a BBQ to plan.
Mom said she talked to Daddy and they are wanting to pay for at least 2,000 USD to “spruce up the place” – Dinah is over the moon, has taken the device and is still talking with Mom now.
God help us all lol.”
“Before I could even work through my vodka-indused brain fog, people were painting… EVERYTHING”: Their friends stepped in to serve a revenge dish of rainbows

Image credits: Myles Tan (not the actual photo)
“Well the Mr. Miles saga continues so to pick up from my last post, the BBQ happened. It was fun. Had my parents and chosen family over (open invite to my community so some neighbors too) and Dinah’s twin even came and by twin I mean they’re not actually twins (image THAT much hotness doubled. Lawd.) But siblings born on the same day a few years apart. For this I will call him David (M30s…? Idk I never remember).
David is also as gay as the day is long and has heard of all the s**t Mr. Miles has been putting on. Actually ever single person at the BBQ knew. It was a topic I couldn’t escape. Dinah was serving vodka mixed drinks and you can image what 3 queerdos can come up with after a few drinks. David loudly announced “PAINTING PARTYYYYYY” as Dinah went and found every bit of paint we own. Before I could even work through my vodka-indused brain fog, people were painting…EVERYTHING. the porch, my chairs, damn near every rock around my trees and all the raised garden beds. Now my backyard looks like a gay unicorn had projectile diaherea and sh*t rainbows.
I like it.
We played Lily Allen “f**k You” and other gay a*s songs, sang along, there are rainbow flags inside and outside my home at every window, in the garden, between my pumpkins (THEY PAINTED HALF MY PUMPKINS) – this is not a euphemism, both cars have those mini flags that stay when you close the window.
It was insanity. Aaaaand the police arrived. They got a call about a disturbance from a neighbor and we all knew damn well which (my whole street of neighbors were literally right there except him). A quick aside here but it’s not illegal to play loud music during thr day here. Just after like 8 or 9 or something. So no laws were being broken. The cops even admitted that. But they suggested we “just keep it down” – we thanked them, and didn’t.
It was a fun evening. My mom waited until everyone else left and she and Daddy were drinking my best wine, just LOVING this chaos, singing Dinah’s praises, gushing over how she’s designed the interior of this old house (she did really well I have to admit). It’s updated in here and just brighter and fresher. There was a knock on the door and Mom got it. Mr. Miles stepped in with Paul and Daniel in tow. My southern-politeness brain s**t the bed, so I audibly groaned at the sight of him. Dinah came back from the kitchen, saw him, crossed through the whole a*s room and planted a kiss right on my lips as she handed me a fresh drink and sat right on my lap like a housewife.
Mr. Miles asked for a drink. Dinah told him everything is out and in the kitchen basically to say “f**k you get your own” in Nice. His sons went to make him a drink and I politely asked what he needed. He said he wanted to have a take with me, alone. Mom said “And what do you need with my daughter, Miles?” And he said that that was between him and me. I said I was drunk and tired so it will have to wait until morning. He had his drink, made some passive aggressive comments, wished us a good evening, and said he will come by later. Mom walked him out.”
All’s fair in love and war, even manipulation tactics and emotional blackmail
“He did. The very next day. And sure enough I was alone. Sugah isn’t doing well. She’s not responding to treatment. They’re planning for the worst. I was devastated to hear this. She’s like our neighborhood mom. I’ve known her all my life – she’s practically family. So I started to cry. He was being so nice to me, handing me a napkin, speaking to me softly, rubbing my back and telling me to let it all out. So I did. And then right when I was able to catch my breath and calm down he said he wanted to tell me in person. I told him that was appreciated and I was so sorry for his family.
He said “I know. Thanks. That’s another reason I wanted us to chat like adults. I know that woman you live with doesn’t like me much.” And I laughed without meaning to. Not like him? She would piss on his grave and stomp the dirt down to the tune of “hit the road jack” should the chance arrive. And if she weren’t fit for prison, she’d give herself that chance with her own bare hands.
Mr. Miles is still being nice and says that he knows I am the reasonable one. And that we had our fun but this tantrum of ours needs to end. Sugah will be coming home to live out her time and he doesn’t want her to see our “mess” of a yard. He said it would upset her and he knows I don’t want to ever upset her.
I will be honest, I was so in my feelings over the news that he almost sounded reasonable to me. Then he offered to have Paul come over and “help me” make my home presentable again and my brain kicked back in. I stared at this man, who just used the worst possible news a child could share about a parent as a tactic, and the spirit of Dinah came upon me. I very coldly told him to leave, as I have decorating to do. I think he thought I meant to tear everything down, because he left without a fuss.
I told Dinah the moment she got home. At this point, her patience was up. She stormed out of the house and for a moment I was like “oh God honey don’t do it, I don’t even know where the jail is.” And she came back in with bags. She had been shopping apparently and THIS PART IS ENTIRELY YALLS FAULT.
She found SO MANY items. INCLUDING colorful windchimes. She just held up a few things and asked me to help her unload the rest and I was like “REST!?” So we spent the whole night decorating the front porch. I will f**king marry this crazy a*s woman lol”
The woman was totally unprepared for what came next, and it was at this point that someone started peeling onions…
“This past Wednesday, Sugah got home. I rushed out to hug her and she hugged me back. It was one of those “mama” hugs that make you want to laugh and cry and let everything out. She held my hand tight and looked at our porch. Then she laughed and said “Damn girl, you really leaned in huh?” Then said something was missing. I asked her what and she said my flag. The big one I had in the front. I told her what Miles did to it and a storm went over her whole face. She got quiet and asked me to explain I said she should rest and it’s a long story. She turned to tell her daughter (who drove her) to make some lemonade and that she was going to sit with me on my porch a while.
So I told her everything basically in all my posts including Miles’ recent visit. She kept her expression steely the whole time. She asked a lot of questions. Then asked me if she ever told me about her first love. I thought she meant Mr. Richard, Miles’ late father, and she laughed. She told me a story about how when she was young, before Richard ever asked her out, there was a woman her age who always dressed in suits, which for the time was not considered okay or normal. People hated her but Sugah fell for her almost instantly. She said Dinah reminds her of her and that I seem really happy now that Dinah has moved in. Then she looked at me so serious and said “So are you?” And I went inside to show her the ring I had long bought and that I am going to marry that woman if she’ll have me. She smiled and patted my cheek, kissed my hand and went home.
Yesterday my Daddy called and said “Heya what’s this about a wedding?” And I was like what? And he said that he’s not supposed to be telling me this so don’t tell Mom but she and Sugah had a long phone call and Sugah wanted to pay for my wedding. Not some of it. The whole damn thing. This is already long sorry, I swear I am skipping a lot here but I was obviously floored. There’s paperwork involved and mom is working with Sugah on it and Daddy said “Well, I guess you gotta ask that woman to marry you.” And I said I intended to.
So I am writing this antsy as f**k ring in pocket, dressed up, waiting for Dinah to come home from the salon so we can have date night. Mr. Miles is about to have a complete caniption. Wish me luck.”
All’s well that ends well… And as they say, Love always wins

Image credits: Image-Source (not the actual photo)
“Hey guys- so I’m sad to say she said no. It was a lot to-
I’m f**king with you.
She said yes! Y’all I am going to marry the most amazing, smart, strong, hilarious, crazy, loving, beautiful woman in this GODDAMN world and I cannot f**king stand to keep it to myself!!!
We had such an incredible time. She came home and was already dressed, so we went out. It was my turn to plan date night, so I was at an advantage. I took her to a place that was like the restaurant pur first date was in (sadly, the original is no more) and we shared stories about that date (I was nervous and word vomited like an overfed baby – she found me charming), we then retraced a walk we had when I first told her I loved her. She had claimed up at it and skirted saying it back, but now she tells me every f**king day multiple times a day even when she’s pissed at me. We then ended at our city aquarium – hey quick trivia, I was once a “professional mermaid” there. You read that right. Chloe eat your heart out) – where she “stalked me” just to ask if we are real (not just a fun summer fling) and to go steady. I took her to our favorite bar for karaoke, got down on my knee, and she stared at me and just went “shut the F**K up are you proposing to me?” And before I even knew it, she pulled out a ring and we just laughed and kissed.
We wanted to update you the good news. I’m up to sing “At Last” for karaoke so gotta be on my toes to serenade my fiance.”
Neighbor Goes Above And Beyond To Break A Same-Sex Couple Up, Starts A War He Can’t Win Bored Panda