A metal detectorist thought he'd struck gold when he found a hoard hidden in a ditch - but it turned out to be a stash of adult magazines. Dean Pugh, 54, had been hoping to find an ancient collection of artefacts but he accidentally stumbled across something else entirely.
He and his son Owen, 26, were out with their detector kit on local farmland when they made the hair-raising discovery near Bromsgrove, Worcs. The retro collection was unearthed after Dean caught a flash of colour while trawling for relics. He initially hoped he'd spotted something historic or interesting - only to be confronted with the saucy mags.

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Dean, who is a grandfather, said: "If you find a hoard they can go into millions of pounds - but the funniest hoard I've ever found is my porno hoard.
"I think it's either some young lad who has had to dump his stash because his parents found out or a perv in the woods.
"We were just hunting one day and I saw this load of colour staring at me. It dazzled me.
"I thought it was a pile of magazines that had been dumped - I don't like people dumping rubbish - but on closer inspection, I said: 'Owen! Come and look at this!'
"They were awfully damp, they had been left out in the weather, no doubt. We ended up rolling them up and hiding them in a rabbit hole."

Dean posted his bizarre find on a Facebook site for enthusiasts.
"When I posted it I had messages saying 'I bet you never got home 'til seven o'clock!" he joked.
But Dean, from Pershore, Worcs, revealed that it is not unusual to find saucy items hiding in the hedgerows.
His previous discoveries include rubber sex toys, discarded women's underwear and even dumped marijuana.
He has since been inundated with offers from people wanting to buy the collection - offering as much as £100 for his saucy find.
A devoted detectorist for eight years, Dean said: "Everyone does a bit of golf, a bit of fishing, Sunday football.
"But when you're out on that land after a hard day's work and you're hunting, you just swing away and wait for a signal.
"If you get a signal you don't know what you're going to find - I've found gold coins, ancient hammer coins, gold rings."
Dean previously hit the headlines after finding a war pilot’s Rolex in a field.
And after months of hard work, he finally managed to track down his descendants.
One - who is the head chef for Heston Blumenthal’s plush restaurant the Fat Duck - even treated Dean and his family to a luxury meal to say thank you.
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