A man has been left with someone else's car parked on his drive since December 2021 - and hasn't been able to get it moved. Omar Badran says he has sought legal advice over the car but has been told it is 'a grey area'.
Omar said the driver could put their car on his property temporarily while he wasn't using it, but when he contacted the owner to get the car moved - he was told 'no'. Omar told PlymouthLive: “I agreed on the condition that when I wanted to use my driveaway again, I would be able to.”
Omar has explored legal avenues. He said: “I was shocked by my initial search, it’s legally a grey area and you might not be able to get the council, police or the DVLA to do anything about it, even though the vehicle is uninsured, isn’t taxed and has no MOT.
“I phoned up all these places and they said they couldn’t do anything.”
Omar says he has now found a solution under the Tort Law Act. He said: “I found that under the Torts Act there is a way to deal with it. It took me several weeks and lot of stress, I thought I was going to be stuck with a really bad situation that would involve thousands of pounds spent in a civil court.”

Car abandoned on Omar Badran driveway (Image: Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive)
Omar has now added a sign, which has been placed against the windscreen of the car on his driveway. It reads: "Under the Torts Act, this vehicle will be disposed of in one week from 27/06/22 if the owner does not collect it.”
Omar has been instructed that he should contact the owner of the vehicle in writing and allow for a reasonable time to pass before disposing of it. Omar said: “I have been told by a solicitor that I should contact the person in writing. I have been told to fill in a V888 form which will allow me to have access to the person's address and then I can write to them and quote the Tort Law Act.
“There isn’t a specified time in the act but it just specifies that the time given for the individual to respond should be ‘reasonable,’ so I’ve decided to give him two weeks once I get the address from the DVLA.
"This entire thing has made me really miserable and so many people have told me I’m stupid for having allowed him to park on my driveway but I was just trying to do a nice thing.”