An office worker took a day off for a marathon challenge - a world record pub crawl visiting 56 bars in 24 hours.
Gareth Murphy, 29, downed a drink in each of the 56 pubs before he could move onto the next watering hole.
IT worker Gareth went on the giant crawl around pubs in Cardiff as he drank a mixture of alcoholic and soft drinks throughout the day.
And he breezed past the former world record of 51 pubs previously set by Englishman Matt Ellis in 2021.
"I lost count of how many toilet breaks I took," said Gareth.
"At the beginning it was minimal, once every 10 pubs say, but by the end, I think I was going once every two or three pubs."
“I knew the best place to do this was in the centre of Cardiff."

Gareth, of Caernarfon, North Wales, chose the Welsh capital because the city centre has the highest density of pubs, bars and clubs in the entire UK, with over 300 licensed premises in a 0.5 square mile area.
He started the day shortly after 10am with a lemonade in a Wetherspoons, before moving on and continuing until 9.26pm after hitting 56.
His tactic on choosing drinks was to go with "just whichever went down the easier.”

He added: "However, as the day went on, I did notice that apple juice went down better than orange juice.
“The hardest part by far was the bloatedness of drinking so much. It didn’t help that I can’t make myself burp either.
“It was a long, tiring day. The hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life."
Gareth’s favourite drink is “a good, cold pint of Guinness,” although he had to limit himself to just 125ml during this record attempt.

“I knew I had to stay off the Guinness as it’s quite a heavy drink. I did have a beer in a few select pubs, but I knew I couldn’t overdo it as I knew the fizz would immediately make me bloated.”
His marathon all-dayer in February has now been recognised by Guinness World Records with a certificate proudly on his wall.
On breaking the record, Gareth said: "It made all the hard work and preparation worth it. It feels great to achieve something like this."

Gareth downed the following drinks over the course of the day: 4,915ml (8.6 pints) of orange juice, 2,845ml (5 pints) of apple juice, 1,023ml (1.8 pints) of beer, 500 ml (0.8 pints) of lemonade, 284ml (0.5 pints) of Diet Pepsi, 250ml (0.4 pints) of Tango, 189ml (0.33 pints) of blackcurrant cordial, 125ml (0.2 pints) of Coca-Cola, 125ml (0.2 pints) of Guinness and 125ml (0.2 pints) of cranberry juice.
A Guinness World Records spokesman said: "For the purposes of this record, a pub is defined as an establishment licensed to sell alcoholic beverages on the premises, although the challenger is not required to consume any alcohol.
"In addition to video evidence of the full attempt, a logbook must be signed by an employee at each pub to confirm that a drink has been purchased and consumed."