A man was gutted after asking his tattooist friend to do his new inking- as somehow he managed to spell a very simple word wrong.
The anonymous man wanted to get the phrase 'stay humble' in big bold letters on his arm, but soon he wished he'd opted to have it somewhere more out the way.
He'd trusted his friend to do the inking, as he was a tattoo artist, but somehow he managed to misspell the word 'stay', and it came out 'siay',
A video of the freshly finished tattoo has been shared on TikTok, on the account @suckytattoos, and it shows the tattoo artist trying to hold in his laughter after realising his mistake.

What do you think of the tattoo failure? Let us know in the comments...
The video was initially shared on Snapchat and in the clip the man can be heard shouting: "I trusted you!"
The video has been viewed more than four million times, and over 2,000 people have commented on the clip.
One said: "It's okay, half of us ain't even realise something was wrong."
Then another user said: "I have dyslexia, I don't see anything wrong."
"The spelling isn't even the biggest issue with this tattoo" added a third user.
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And a fourth wrote: "Am I the only one more distressed that the 'y' is the only lowercase letter?"
Meanwhile, a woman was fuming after a tattoo disaster left her with 'fish gills' on her shoulder.
Ashley King posted on TikTok under the username @ashleeyking to share their disastrous tattoo story, as they hoped for spider webs but the finished work looked like something else entirely.
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