A pensioner had the shock of his life when he raced to save a woman washed up on the beach - but discovered a human-size headless sex doll.
Chris Ford, 67, was looking for driftwood after a recent storm when he came across the mutilated silicone female body with all her "bits on show" lying face down.
The retired photographer said he always feared he would discover a human body during one of his regular sweeps - but was relieved to discover the “victim” was just a sex doll.
He quickly called his partner over to take pictures and they both left in hysterics speculating where it came from.
Chris, of Portland, Dorset, said: "It was a human-like figure but was too clean and too pretty - and it did not have a head. Apart from its lack of a face it was very anatomically correct. So as soon as I got to her I knew it was a sex doll.

"I am always out collecting driftwood after storms so I fully expected to see a human body one day but never this. It certainly made my day.
"It just caught me by surprise, but we can only speculate where it came from.
"It is a busy shipping channel with loads of boats so it could have come from one of them.
"Maybe a fishermen's wife found it in the cupboard and threw it overboard. It did not have a head - so maybe a perverted fisherman got rid of it but decided to clear it out and keep the head - I can only speculate why.

"I just chuckled and found the whole things hilarious. I've seen dead cows, pieces of dolphin, seals etc wash up - but never anything like this.
"It was a proper life-size doll and it looked like it had broken its shoulder joint as the right arm was bent back.
"We all had a proper giggle. She was certainly very pert indeed and I have tried to preserve her modesty in the pictures."
Chris said he left the doll in-situ on Chesil beach after the find on Sunday and it was later cleared away.

He added: "Another beach cleaner dragged it up near the bins and it was cleaned up with the rubbish - so I don't think she had the greatest or most glamorous ending.
"I shared the pictures and it seems to have got a lot of interest. It is a great humorous story."
The find comes at the same time police confirmed what Chris thought was a human arm he discovered was in fact a large mammal.
He said: "On December 8 in a storm I found what looked like a human forearm on the beach. It had five fingers which were longer than normal so I contacted the police.
“They came down and carried out forensics but they have just confirmed to me it was in fact a mammal.
"That one took a bit longer than to get to the bottom of than identifying the sex doll."