Traveling with your significant other can be an amazing bonding experience. The two of you get to explore new places, enjoy a relaxed week off without any work or obligations and create memories that you’ll cherish for the rest of your lives.
But traveling can also be quite stressful, especially if you’re running to catch a train or arguing about whose fault it was that you missed your flight. One woman recently posted on Reddit seeking advice after her boyfriend abandoned her at the airport and flew home alone. Below, you’ll find the full story, as well as a conversation with Nia Williams, Relationship Therapist and Life Coach from Miss Date Doctor.
This woman was furious when she realized that her boyfriend abandoned her at the airport and flew home alone

Image credits: Iakobchuk (not the actual photo)
She even shared the conversation they had over text right after the gate closed

Image credits: Exotic_Platypus_4926

Image credits: astakhovyaroslav (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Exotic_Platypus_4926
“Travel often involves unexpected situations that can test a couple’s ability to adapt and work as a team”
One of the worst aspects of going on vacation is what you have to go through to actually make it to your destination. If you’re on a road trip, sitting in the car for 8 hours at a time might feel like a drag. And if you’re flying, there’s a good chance you’ll have to wake up extremely early, sit in the airport for hours and arrive at your hotel groggy, cranky and uninterested in sightseeing.
Unfortunately, the airport is also the place where travel plans often go awry. According to USA Today, between 2% and 8% of passengers miss their flights every single day.
Travel Pocket Guide notes that this can happy for many reasons, including issues with transportation or getting stuck in traffic, underestimating how long it takes to get to the airport, failing to check update flight information, miscommunications between airline staff and passengers, oversleeping and getting stuck at security.
In this story, however, the woman blamed her boyfriend for making them late to the airport. To find out why traveling with a significant other is so stressful, we reached out to Relationship Therapist and Life Coach from Miss Date Doctor, Nia Williams. She was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and shine some light on this situation.
“Fatigue from long travel days, navigation challenges, and unfamiliar environments can lead to decreased patience and increased irritability,” Nia says. “The disruption of normal routines and the need to make constant decisions together can also strain communication and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, travel often involves unexpected situations that can test a couple’s ability to adapt and work as a team.”

Image credits: s_kawee (not the actual photo)
“How partners treat each other during challenging times often reveals the true nature of their relationship”
We also asked the relationship expert what kind of message this man conveyed to his partner by flying home alone.
“By boarding the flight without his girlfriend, this man sent a clear message that his own needs and desires took precedence over their relationship and her well-being,” Nia noted. “This action demonstrates a lack of empathy, consideration, and basic care for his partner. It’s particularly painful because it leaves her feeling abandoned, unimportant, and potentially unsafe in a vulnerable situation.”
So how can he make it up to his girlfriend? To apologize effectively, Nia says the man should “admit to what he did wrong specifically; acknowledge the hurt and impact his actions caused; express genuine remorse, not just saying ‘I apologize’ but ‘I’m so sorry for…; empathize with his girlfriend’s feelings and demonstrate understanding of how his actions affected her; and offer to make amends and ask what he can do to rebuild trust.”
The relationship expert says that making up for this severe breach of trust will take time and consistent effort. “He should be prepared to listen to her feelings without becoming defensive, give her space if needed, and demonstrate through his actions that he prioritizes her and the relationship moving forward,” Nia shared.
Finally, she noted that this situation highlights the importance of effective communication, mutual respect, and prioritizing your partner’s well-being in a relationship. “Couples planning to travel together should discuss expectations and strategies for handling stress beforehand,” Nia suggests. “It’s also crucial to remember that how partners treat each other during challenging times often reveals the true nature of their relationship.”
We would love to hear your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas. How would you have responded if you were in this woman’s shoes? Then, you can find another Bored Panda article discussing similar relationship issues right here.

Image credits: Stas Knop (not the actual photo)
Later, the woman responded to several comments and provided more information about her situation

Many readers assured the woman that she was not overreacting and called out her boyfriend for leaving her all alone