These adorable mice are living the high life after their owner treated them to a miniature picnic party - and they even fight with lightsabers!
Simon Dell, 49, from Sheffield, Yorkshire, created the miniature houses from wood to resembles the scenery from The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films.
He loves to see the lucky wild mice doing things he enjoys including eating their food in everyday human scenarios.
Living as pampered pets, the little creatures have been served around 5,000 meals over the years, which are all made by their doting human who loves nothing more than creating amazing scenarios for them to enjoy.
Simon even created a miniature tribute to the NHS with a bench which of course George can be seen inspecting.

After distributing sunflower seeds and peanuts, Simon got his camera in position to see the mice enjoy the picnic setting, which made for hilarious pictures and videos.
Simon said: "I often give the mice things I use or create mini activities I do myself. All they see is food, but it is fun to get the mice doing stuff us humans do.
"The world of purist wildlife photography are not big fans of my work, but most people find it all great fun. As long as no animals are at risk of harm, they enjoy seeing it.

"Some people get grumpy about me using props with animals, but I see this as nothing more that any other photo - like a bird on a fancy table, feeder or in a nice box.
"I have lots of flowers in or around the garden, and I like bright, vibrant images. Adding flowers to inject a little colour often helps."
When trying to snap the mice, he accepts some days are tougher than others.

He explained that when the sun is out they are more likely to strike a pose.
Simon says it can be a challenge and often takes time - and of course a lot of patience.
"Some days are harder than others with them being wild," he added.
"When it is sunny, they seem more than happy to strike a cute pose or two in exchange for a bit of home made peanut butter or some seeds."

George is also a Star Wars fan - and plays at being a Jedi!
He also spoke about how their love affair first began.
He said: "I once gave wood carving a try so what I learnt has come in very handy for making mouse sized homes and furniture.
"George had been visiting my garden for a few weeks as I was leaving a peanut out for him to return to the very same spot.

"I then decided to make him a little safe home as I worried about cats getting to him.
"I piled some small logs, twigs and moss over a make shift little room and put some seeds and nuts inside for him.
"He seemed to love it which prompted me to make more."