A Melbourne man will spend more than two years behind bars for burning down his landlord's warehouse after he was evicted, causing more than $3 million in damage.
Jayden Tune, 32, used standover tactics to threaten his landlord after he was ousted from a Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne, property in February 2021 for not paying rent.
Tune and his partner rented a property from the man for two years to use for their business Gentz Productionz, as a music studio and for T-shirt manufacturing.
He told the man "we're coming for you" and also sent threats to his landlord's solicitor and real estate agent.
On May 5, 2021, Tune poured a flammable liquid through a window and set his landlord's South Melbourne warehouse on fire.
Firefighters believe petrol and a cigarette lighter were used to set the factory alight.
Smoke billowed across multiple suburbs as firefighters spent two nights and a day putting out the blaze.
The Ferrars Street factory and its contents were destroyed, costing the owner more than $3 million in damage and more in lost stock.
Tune pleaded guilty to arson and possession of unauthorised explosives - party sparklers ground into dust.
He faced Melbourne's County Court on Wednesday, where Judge Peter Rozen sentenced him to a maximum of four years in jail and fined him $500 over the party sparklers.
The landlord, who ran his business of 32 years out of the warehouse, told the court he and his family continue live in fear following the offending.
"He feels that the fire may haunt him for the rest of his life," Judge Rozen told the court.
Tune must serve two years and eight months before he will be eligible for parole. He has already served more than a year in prison.