Christmas might be over, but the charming aftermath of the season stays with you for days to come; such is the magic of this bewitching festival! What makes it more special, however, is celebrating it with your loved ones and creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime.
This guy, on the other hand, enforces a “Christmas tradition” of watching all the Rocky movies with his family, and won’t allow for any distractions in between. They are annoyed with watching all 6 movies every year so they sought advice online and Redditors couldn’t help but mock the Silvester Stallone fan!
More info: Reddit
The best part of Christmas traditions is that you can simply make one and start following it every year as a family

Image credits: Yura Forrat / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster’s brother-in-law enforced on the whole family a Christmas tradition of watching all 6 Rocky movies every year

Image credits: SwissCheese4Life

Image credits: RDNE Stock project / Pexels (not the actual photo)
He was so particular about it that he didn’t like anyone getting distracted during the “tradition”, and he also kept the volume up high

Image credits: SwissCheese4Life

Image credits: Rotten Tomatoes / United Artists (not the actual photo)
The exasperated family decided to finally stand up to him and told him that they did not want to follow the “tradition” this time around

Image credits: SwissCheese4Life
This annoyed him so much that he drove off to his own house so he could go and watch the Rocky movies on his own
Today, we won’t be diving into a merry little Christmas story, but one that even big fans of the Rocky films would probably be peeved by. As his name suggests, Reddit user SwissCheese4Life might be a cheese lover, but definitely not someone who wants to watch the Rocky movies every Christmas. After all, the 6 movies run for 632 minutes total, so a bit over 10 hours, which is surely too much to ask!
He tells us that his brother-in-law is a great guy, however, has a strange obsession with the Rocky series, and all parts of it. Now, loving those movies is not a crime, for he’s not the only one, as data suggests the franchise made millions at the box office, but forcing your whole family to watch them every year does seem a little extreme, doesn’t it?
According to, Christmas traditions around the world are diverse, but share key traits that often involve themes of light, evergreens, and hope. Well, the best part about these “traditions” is that every family has a personalized one that they start and make it their own, so the Silvester Stallone fan started the so-called “Rocky tradition” for the family in our story.
Even that is not a bad thing, but he was not very considerate about whether everyone would welcome this tradition and even groaned when people did something other than watch the movie. On top of it, he kept the sound so high that people had to go to a different room to do anything else, so anyone would be angry if this persisted every year.
The poster mentions that he has nothing against the movies but he’s definitely not someone who would enjoy watching them every Christmas and apparently, even his family is of the same opinion. He vented online, seeking advice on how to tackle the situation, and Redditors couldn’t help but mock his brother-in-law for forcing such a weird Christmas tradition.

Image credits: Nicole Michalou / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster gave us an update that while the brother-in-law was watching the movie, the rest of the family decided to go and play a game in the other room, and refused to budge even after the guy came asking them to watch the movie.
Well, this bothered him so much that he drove away to his own house where he completed the “tradition” on his own, and folks were simply baffled by this reaction. They said that his behavior was clearly very immature and they even went on to call him a “man-child”.
Research states, “A man-child indulges in a ‘me first’ mentality while paying no attention to the consequences. His only frame of reference is himself, and he doesn’t think or care much about how his actions affect other people.”
Looks like Redditors were right after all, because that definitely sounds like the brother-in-law in our story. A few Rocky fans also replied to the post and said that even though they love the movies, they would not be so inconsiderate as to force their whole extended family into watching them.
Some even questioned why the poster and his family let this go on for so many years without standing up to him and telling him that they weren’t interested in watching it. Quite a few people called them pushovers, while some commented that at least they finally did so and actually enjoyed their Christmas after he left.
If you were in the poster’s shoes, how would you tackle the situation? Also, Silvester Stallone fans, we want to hear more from you and whether you would put your family through such an ordeal. Let us know in the comments!
Folks couldn’t help but mock the guy for his strange Rocky obsession and some even labeled him a “man-child”