An assailant seriously injured a man in an attack at Berlin's Holocaust Memorial on Friday evening, police said. German media reported that the man was stabbed.
Police said they were investigating the attack at the memorial, a field of 2,700 gray concrete slabs near the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Berlin. It is also located near the U.S. Embassy.
There was no indication yet of motive for the attack.
Berlin police said the victim was seriously injured around 6 p.m. and taken to a hospital. The German newspaper Tagesspiegel reported that the man was injured in a stabbing, citing police sources. Another newspaper, Berliner Zeitung reported the same.
Police said they were attending to the witnesses who saw the attack, while the newspapers reported that police were carrying out a manhunt for the perpetrator.
The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe is a memorial in Berlin to the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust.
The attack comes two days before Germans vote in a national election on Sunday.