A man claims that a parking company wrote to him randomly demanding £160 within two weeks for a parking ticket from six months ago - otherwise they will take him to court.
Craig Mell explained that the ticket machine at a B&M store carpark in Keighley in Bradford, West Yorkshire, was out of order when he tried to buy one on July 17, 2021.
He actually took a photo of the ticket machine in the Cavendish Retail Park so he could dispute any charge he received - but says he never got anything in the post until now, reports Yorkshire Live.

The first he knew about any parking problem was when a letter from a debt collector demanding the money arrived a fortnight ago.
It threatened that if Craig does not pay, the matter will be taken to court.
But Craig has tried calling the parking company, called G24 Ltd, several times this week and has failed to get through to speak to someone.

Craig said: "I haven't lived in Keighley for very long but I had seen people always getting parking tickets from that car park.
"All of them have the same problem as me. The machine is not working, then six months down the line, getting a bloody letter from a debt collector.
"I always take a picture of the machine when it's out of order to make sure I can prove that it isn't working, just in case. If I had received a letter from the car park, I would have sorted it out straight away.

"It's even worse that when I got this letter, they are trying to say that I can't dispute it anymore."
The Mirror has contacted G24 Ltd for comment.