A man confessed he was “kind of hoping to turn in Spider-Man ” after a horrific spider bite left him in agony.
David Webster, 37, was bitten on his left calf by a spider as he lay in bed and was left with gruesome injuries, relying on crutches to get around.
The man from Grimsby said the bite only felt like “a nip” but shortly after was left in excruciating pain with pins and needles all down his left side, GrimsbyLive reported.
The bite became a red ring that soon blistered nastily and left him in so much pain the next morning he had to rush to A&E at the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital.
Only a few days later he ended up in A&E once again, but throughout his agony Mr Webster admitted one bit of him hoped he might develop superpowers akin to the popular comic book hero.

He said: “I was kind of hoping after being bitten that night I was going to turn into Spider-Man, but unfortunately this didn’t happen."
Then, explaining his agony, Mr Webster continued: "The nurse at the hospital drained the blister and cut away the skin around the area.
"This caused severe pain but I knew it was probably best as they're professionals and must know what they are doing.
"I was given antibiotics and pain medication, but only a few days later I found myself back at A&E as the pain was just too intense to cope with."
Doctors admitted they couldn’t tell David much about his spider bite and that they don’t usually see such bites.
It’s now still a month since the bite and Mr Webster still finds himself in considerable pain and sometimes still has to rely on crutches to walk around.
"It's like having a hole in my leg," he continued. "It’s crazy how one little bite can have such an impact and cause great pain to a person."
Mr Webster also mentioned that he suffered from similar bites back in November 2021, this time on his left leg and foot.
He first noticed the bites while he was gaming in his house, he believes that the new bite is exactly the same as these ones.
David was left in pain for around three to four months with his previous bites, struggling to move while on holiday with his partner. He's hoping this new one goes away in time for Christmas so he can enjoy the holiday season as normal.