A man died after a sand dune collapsed on him while he was enjoying the sunrise, police said.
A passer-by walking along Rock beach in Martin County, in the Treasure Coast region of Florida, in US, on Sunday around 9am made a horrific discovery when they saw feet poking out of the sand, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Fire rescue arrived at the scene and later removed the body, identifying him as 35-year-old Sean Nagel.
His brother Will Nagel broke the tragic news to friends and family on Facebook, writing: "I am grief-stricken and still in disbelief to tell you all that my younger brother Sean Alexander Nagel is no longer with us on this Earth.

"Sean died tragically and accidentally on Sunday, August 7, when a sand dune at the beach here in Martin County collapsed on top of him.
"If I don’t respond to anyone right away please understand this is a very difficult time but I do appreciate your prayers and condolences.
"Please remember to enjoy your life and don’t take a single second for granted."
Officials have determined that Sean died hours earlier than when he was discovered "from asphyxia as a result of being trapped in the sand”.
A GoPro camera and a plastic bag were found next to Nagel’s body in the sand, reported TCPalm.com.

Sheriff William Snyder confirmed to WPTV that when emergency services dug up Sean, sand was discovered in his lungs.
"It was an unusual scene with his feet sticking out of the sand and then of course we had to dig down and find the body. It revealed some sand in his lungs," Snyder said.
The release from the sheriff’s office stated that detectives believe he was laying underneath a sand dune with his feet up while recording a video of sunrise between 5 and 6 a.m, when suddenly the dune collapsed, trapping him.
"Somehow while he was there, inexplicably, we don't know why, that beach erosion, a mountain of sand, collapsed on him," Snyder continued.

They do not suspect anything suspicious in his death.
While they are awaiting the results of toxicology tests, as per standard procedure, they say results are “not likely to change the outcome of this incident being a tragic accident”.
In all his years of law enforcement, Snyder said he's never seen anything like this.
Sean Nagel’s old Facebook posts suggest that he is survived by a young son.