A man had his car crushed by a falling boulder after stopping along the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, on the Californian coastline.
Mauricio Henao barely escaped the falling rock as he was in the driver’s seat just moments before the roof caved in under the force of the tumbling boulder during the Tuesday ordeal.
“I just heard loud crashes,” Mr Henao told KTLA. “And I ran out and saw my car just crushed.”
A boulder, four feet in length, slammed into the car, crushing the entire roof.
“The rock is the size of the whole hood,” he said. “The windshields are all broken and the frame of the car is just all twisted.”
“I was in the driver’s seat, walked out, got a call, ran back inside, came out and the car was just totalled,” he added.
Mr Henao said the phone call may be what saved him. The rockfall covered four lanes of traffic.
Nick Kennedy’s SUV was damaged while it was parked in his driveway.

“A whole bunch of rocks came down, but they came from here and came across the street,” he told KTLA. “I’m kind of glad my car was there. I don’t know if [the rocks] would have gone through the wall of the house and nailed me because my desk is right on the other side of that wall.”
No injuries were recorded in the incident. The rockslide took place following a storm hitting California, leading to large amounts of flooding and dangerous road conditions.
“I’m pretty shook up,” Mr Henao told the local TV station. “Honestly, I don’t think I’ll park here again after this. I’m a little traumatised by this whole ordeal.”
Since late last month, at least 19 people have died in the state, with that number expected to rise following multiple powerful storms. Rivers rose and power lines were downed on Saturday as levees were destroyed and thousands of trees were taken down by the raging weather.