Not all surprises end up working out.
In a recent Reddit post shared to the popular “Am I The A**hole?” subreddit, one man explained the story of how he met his now ex-fiancée and their process of looking for a house.
“We began looking for a house. EX always wanted to live in her grandparents’ house on the lake near our town. Her family was forced to sell house when her grandparents died because of an inheritance dispute,” he explained in the Reddit post.
However, the couple who ended up purchasing the house decided they could no longer handle the “snowy winters” and the man decided to pool together nearly all of his savings in order to purchase the house for his fiancée.
“It was going to be my surprise wedding present so I didn’t dare tell her or anyone in her family my plans,” the post read.
One month before their wedding, his bride-to-be went on a bachelorette trip to Miami with her friends. “I am not sure all of what happened there, part of me doesn’t really want to know, but I do know her high school BF was there,” the Reddit poster clarified.
“When she got back from the trip, she broke down and confessed she was afraid to get married and wanted to call it off. It was a mess. She later moved to Florida and eventually married HS BF.”
Although the two of them never got married, the Reddit user was still left with the house. After spending some years fixing it up, he ended up living there full-time.
Recently, they spent the fourth of July at the house and one of the poster’s family members used photos from that vacation for their Christmas card which made its way to his ex-fiancée’s cousin.
“The Saturday before new year’s EX’s Mother and Sister were at my front door. After pleasantries and answering their initial questions, they made an offer to buy it. I refused. They were not happy,” the story continued.
This led to a text from his former partner who called him “an a**” and that her family is blaming her for losing the house in the first place. He was once again asked to sell the house to which he refused. “Now her and her family are complaining on social media that this is some sort of revenge,” the post read before he asked commenters what they thought about the situation.
Many people took to the comments to express that the Reddit poster did the right thing. “Your intention was to surprise your ex with the house at the wedding. If you had called off the wedding, I’d reconsider my judgement but she is the reason why she doesn’t have access to that house. On top of that, you’ve made the house your own. Enjoy it!” one comment read.
Another commenter agreed, writing, “I would be petty and post on social media the date on the contract when you purchased the house and explain that if it wasn’t for Ex cheating on you and leaving you for her now husband this would have been her house as a wedding gift but instead of having it be a painful memory of the hurt she caused you with the help of your family you were able to bond with your family even more working on the house together and that this house will now always stay on YOUR family for generations to come.”
The comment continued: “The audacity of your ex and her family is crazy, now after you and your family spent a decade fixing it up they are trying to low ball you out of the house (I assume their offer wouldn’t cover the cost of the renovations and any appreciation on the house because that seems on brand for people like that) and when that didn’t work they took to social media to complain. NTA, I would post the entire story on social media and then block everyone in that family.”