Having to say goodbye to a pet is harrowing - but knowing they're no longer in pain makes it somewhat easier to manage. A man has been deeply moved after receiving a touching card from his vet after having his beloved dog, Robbie, put to sleep.
Heartbroken after saying his final goodbyes to the cairn terrier, the man explained how "many people underestimate the attachment you can have to an animal". Sharing his grief on Reddit, the man said: "I had to have my dog put to sleep and got this unexpected card from our vet."
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The vet's message reads: "I just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts.
"I am sorry that I was not able to come back to speak to you on Friday but just wanted to reassure you that you have always done the right thing for Robbie and whilst making the decision to put him to sleep, I know it must have been especially difficult, you allowed him to go peacefully and with the dignity he deserved.
"Robbie was a real character and a real fighter. I hope in time the sadness you are feeling will be replaced by your happy memories together."
Sharing their thoughts on the vet's note, one user said: "My vet sent a long, amazing sympathy card after my dog died unexpectedly at an emergency vets office.

"It meant a lot because I felt like it was my fault she died and the vet said just the right things. I keep that card in her memory box because when I still feel sad six years later, it still helps. Condolences on the loss of your friend."
Another user added: "We lost a kitty we were very close to not too long ago and damn if I didn't tear up reading this note.
"I still miss him a lot. His 'sister' (rescued at the same time) hasn't been the same since he left us. Lots of pets and love for her but she misses her friend."
A third user said: "My childhood dog died while I was away traveling to put my father's ashes to rest. His name was Bo and he was a beautiful red golden retriever.
"When my family got home we found that the vet had made a clay paw print for us and kept a lock of his beautiful hair. That kindness made all the difference in how we grieved for him."
Grieving for a pet
When grieving a pet, most owners will go through a period of mourning similar to what they'd experience after the loss of a close family member or friend.
An RSPCA statement reads: "Some owners experience feelings of deep loneliness and isolation. Please don't worry or feel ashamed - these emotions are perfectly normal.
"Some people around you may not understand the intense feelings of sadness you can feel after losing a pet, but please remember there are people out there who do understand.
"Talk to friends and family to share cherished memories you have with your pet. The Blue Cross offers a pet bereavement service, providing free, confidential support to anyone affected by losing a pet.
"Cats Protection has a confidential phone line called Paws to Listen, a service for any cat owner suffering grief or bereavement for a beloved pet.
"For equine support, The British Horse Society's 'Friends at the End' is designed to make sure that no horse owner faces losing their companion alone. For more online support, the World Horse Welfare shares good advice on saying goodbye, too."
Do you have a dog story to share? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.