When you meet a V.I.P, you may hope to get a memento or some kind of memorabilia to keep. It is something lots of us have pined after - anything to remind you of the big day. And it is not uncommon to see people skipping home happily after snapping a selfie with a celebrity, or getting a signature when they've met somebody they admire.
But one man might have gone too far in his quest for a Royal memento, as he allegedly once stole one of Queen Elizabeth II's toilet seats, according to his son. And people have been left stunned by the bizarre tale after it was shared online.

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Luckily, it sounds as if the Queen had no need of the toilet seat in question, and both parties went on their merry way. But people were nonetheless baffled by the story and its happy, albeit odd, ending.
The shocking claim came to light after @brockonair posted to TikTok, explaining how his dad came to have "probably the weirdest memorabilia that I think anybody could ever own."
He captioned the post: " Nobody ever believes me when I tell this story, but one day I could make a clone."
In the clip, Brock begins talking as text appears onscreen, reading: "Storytime: I met the Queen and my dad stole her toilet seat."
He explains: "So when I was eight years old I met the Queen of England. Nobody ever believes me when I tell this story, but I do have a picture to back it up."

A photo of the Queen smiling at a young boy then appears on the screen, as he continues: "That little dude right there is me, that is obviously the Queen. If you don't believe me look at the mole. It is me.
"Now, the only reason I was able to meet the Queen is because she was doing one of her big tour across Canada.
"She was coming to Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario, which my dad actually worked at. He was a facility maintenance kind of guy. So he actually had a lot in setting up things for when the Queen was getting there.
"For example, he had to install a toilet that the Queen was going to use for one day only. They also had to change, I think, it was the college pub, and make it look real fancy for the lunch that she was going to have there. So, anyway, I was eight years old and my dad pulled me out of school for the day.
"I basically stood in a crowd for most of the time, with one of his co-workers or something. Then all of a sudden my dad comes running, and he's like: 'Come, come come.'
"So, we sneak back inside the college. We go to where the college bar was and my dad takes her like fork and knife, her plate, her napkin and all this stuff. We quickly go put it into his office and then afterwards he brings me to the front of the college where a bunch of people are just chilling there.
"We're most definitely not supposed to be there. I can see a bunch of people staring at my dad, and there's a row of them. They are clearly important people from the college or whatever.
"My dad places me right beside the limousine, so I'm like the last person that she is going to see when she comes out.
Brock adds: "She comes out, she is shaking hands, kissing babies, all this kind of stuff.
"Then all of a sudden somebody hands me some flowers and she comes walking up to me. I hand her the flowers. She shakes my hand.
"Hand to God, she told me I was a very cute, young man. Got in her limo, went on her merry way. But that's not the best part, not only did my dad go and take her napkins and plate and forks and knives and all that stuff, which we still have, but afterwards he also went back to the toilet that he installed for her and he took the toilet seat.
"Sadly, I don't have it. My dad has also of this stuff in a box somewhere, but it's like probably the weirdest memorabilia that I think anyone could ever own."
Replying to incredulous commenters, Brock confirmed the visit took place in 2002 and that he would post a second video, after one person wrote: "Contact your dad. We need to see it!!"
"He in the process of moving but I will most definitely do a follow-up!!" the son replied.
Another person claimed: "I went to Sheridan. I used that toilet every day for a semester. it was the best bathroom that nobody knew about."
And Brock added: "See!! I’m not lying!"
A different commenter wrote: "This is great."
And another thought: "These are the best kinda parents, doesn’t matter how silly they look, they get their kids in for the best opportunities."