In what could well be the most wholesome story of the week, a kind-hearted animal lover decided to give a little frog he'd found in his back garden his very own home. Creative TikTok user Dazza built the frog, who he has named Frodrick, a tiny home using 3D-printing technology, sharing his process with his gripped followers.
In a series of videos, which he has since compiled into one, Dazza showed how it took Frodrick one week to enter his new home. This prompted numerous followers to put forward their own ideas, urging Dazza to make the entrance a bit easier and to add a patio that fills with water.
Dazza, who lives in Australia, took these ideas on board, increasing 'Ribbit amplification', adding the patio, and introducing 'additional arm comfort' with his second model, V2.
In a TikTok video, Dazza, who goes by the username @unknowndazza, explained: "We printed it, ripped off this garbage, and installed V2."
Although Dazza initially thought his new and improved house looked perfect, his followers had yet more suggestions, asking him to build Frodrick his very own pool.
He loved this idea, so created a 3D pool complete with plants and an infinity-edge waterfall.
Dazza remarked that Frodrick liked the renovations so much so that he even 'had a friend over'.
But the house wasn't completed yet as Dazza son realised the pint-sized structure was vulnerable to possums, so built Frodrick 'an emergency cave' to hide away from danger if needed.

Nerve-wracking footage shows Frodrick - or Frod - throwing a pool party for his froggy pals, only for them to be interrupted by a possum.
None of the frogs hopped into the emergency cave, to Dazza's initial alarm, but fortunately, the possum - since christened King Julian - had only wanted to sip the pool water, or 'frog tea' as Dazza dubbed it.
By this point, the house was looking pretty luxurious, however, Dazza's followers were still full of home improvement ideas, urging him to add a porch light to attract tasty bugs.
Dazza continued: "After lots of designs, we ended up with this spaceship, and also added this pond."
Then, Frodrick found himself a lady frog to mate with, resulting in eggs, and then tadpoles swimming about in the pond below. Dazza added a tadpole ramp, and soon there were 'baby Frods everywhere'.
Dazza's followers were overjoyed by how he'd managed to enhance Frod's life so dramatically, praising him for his ingenuity.
One impressed person applauded: "This needs to be a Pixar story."
Another commented: "It's crazy how invested we've all become, Frod and his little world is the only 'reality show' I watch."
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