A man narrowly escaped being flattened after a piece of metal from a trans-Atlantic jet fell out of the sky and just missed him.
Capitol police screener Craig Donahue had the near miss when standing outside Maine's state house.
The cylindrical metal object smacked into the ground just 6 feet away from him.
Officials in the US state of Maine are now investigating how the 2-3kg piece of metal came loose from the plane last week.
Remarkably, neither Craig nor anyone else in the vicinity was injured in the disturbing event.
The area outside Maine's state house is frequently busy and has been used for rallies, protests and press conferences in recent months.

The federal aviation department was quickly summoned Friday and officials arrived to investigate the object.
Capitol police chief Matthew Clancy said: "It definitely shocked him.
"He was walking back to the building and got quite a wakeup call."
It's thought that the object, which was all but obliterated on impact, was the metal sleeve from the wing flap of a large passenger jet.
All airlines operating that day have been notified and all planes landed safely during the time frame.