IT was an ugly street brawl in Newcastle West in the early hours of the morning last year; two groups of young men trading punches as bystanders urged them on.
But then Kye Martin, 20, approached his mate involved in the fight and subtly handed him something.
As Martin turned and swiftly walked away, his mate swung twice more at a 29-year-old man, this time stabbing him in the chest.

The second blow left the blade lodged in the 29-year-old's side, breaking his rib, and the attacker fled down Bellevue Street as a mob gave chase.
Martin was represented by criminal defence lawyer James Janke when he appeared in Newcastle Local Court on Wednesday.
He pleaded guilty to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, admitting to handing his mate the knife that turned an ugly brawl into a brutal stabbing.
And Martin narrowly avoided spending his first night behind bars after Mr Janke successfully fought off a prosecution detention application.
The matter was adjourned to Newcastle District Court next month when Martin will get a sentence date.
The man accused of the stabbing, Coora-Jye Wieczorek, remains behind bars charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
He has not entered a plea and will next appear in Newcastle Local Court next month.
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