A woman strongly believes she will be killed by her ex-partner after he allegedly choked her unconscious and raped her twice.
The alleged rapist's second bid for freedom in the ACT Magistrates Court was denied on Wednesday.
He pleaded not guilty to two counts each of sexual intercourse without consent and sexual assault. The charges are categorised as family violence.
The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is accused of visiting the home of his ex-partner in October and putting his arm around her neck until she lost consciousness.
The woman alleges that when she woke up he was digitally raping her. He is then accused of penile-vaginal rape while ignoring her requests for him to stop.
On Wednesday, special magistrate Marcus Hassall said the accused man had told police the acts were consensual.
The court heard the man had 76 offences on his criminal record.
This included common assault against the same alleged victim, and other family violence acts against a previous partner.
The man's defence lawyer said his most recent convictions involved a confrontation after a driver sped down a road and almost hit the alleged rapist's sheep.
Another related to a different speeding driver hitting the man while he was on a quad bike.
Prosecutor Tahni Whybrow said the alleged victim has "significant fears for her and her children's safety" if the man was granted bail.
Ms Whybrow told the court there was a history of reported and unreported domestic violence against the woman, and "if released, she strongly believes that he will kill her".
"This is a man who cannot control his reactions when stresses or things occur outside his control and this places a real risk to the complainant," she said.
Mr Hassall denied bail, finding there was too great a risk to the alleged victim.
The man is set to face court again in December.

- Support is available for those who may be distressed. Phone Lifeline 13 11 14; MensLine 1300 789 978; 1800-RESPECT 1800 737 732; ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service 6280 0900.