A man accused of bringing guns to the Wisconsin state Capitol building and demanding to see Gov. Tony Evers can go free on a signature bond but can't come near the governor or his family until his case is resolved, a court commissioner ordered Thursday.
Joshua Pleasnick, 43, of Madison, made his initial court appearance Thursday morning on a misdemeanor charge of openly carrying a gun in a public building. Online court records show that Dane County Court Commissioner Scott McAndrew entered a not guilty plea on Pleasnick's behalf and set a signature bond for him. Under the terms of the bond he would have to pay $500 if he misses a court date or doesn't follow the conditions of his release.
McAndrew barred Pleasnick from possessing any type of dangerous weapon and banned him from the Capitol Square, the plaza that surrounds the Capitol building. He also banned Pleasnick from being on the road in front of the governor's mansion in Maple Bluff, a Madison suburb, and forbid him from coming within 1,000 feet of Evers or any members of Evers' family.
Pleasnick's attorney, listed in online court records as Michael Edward Covey, didn't immediately respond to a message seeking comment.
Pleasnick entered the Capitol on Oct. 4 without a shirt, guiding a dog on a leash and carrying a holstered handgun, according to prosecutors. He demanded to speak to Evers and was arrested. The governor was not in the building at the time.
Pleasnick was released later that day and returned to the Capitol later that night with a semi-automatic rifle and a baton hidden in his backpack, according to prosecutors and investigators. He again demanded to talk to Evers but the building was closed and he got arrested again.