In the hustle and bustle of last minute Christmas shopping, many of us keep our heads down to navigate the crowds and find that pesky present we've been searching for. It's easy for our surroundings to pass us by, but one man has reminded people why it's important to stay vigilant while out and about after he spotted an elderly man struggling to find his car.
Angus Young, a reporter for Hull Live, said he initially noticed the man wandering around town but was relieved to see that a couple appeared to be helping him. Unfortunately, Angus became even more concerned when he spotted the elderly bloke 20 minutes later, still looking lost and confused.
The journalist was out and about in Cottingham a few days before Christmas when saw the troublesome chain of events unfold - thankfully people's faith in humanity was restored after one heartwarming gesture.

Detailing the experience for Hull Live, Angus wrote: "The elderly man in question is standing upright and clutching a barely-filled battered old cotton shopping bag. He seems smartly dressed but I notice his coat is clumsily fastened together by two cords at the front.
"The couple appear to be doing their best to locate his missing vehicle so I head off to the shops in Cottingham and leave them to it. Twenty minutes later the familiar coat and its childlike fastening suddenly loom large in my mirror.
"This time he is alone, leaning against a parked car and scanning his surroundings with a slow uncertain sweep of his head. The couple are nowhere to be seen. It looks like a scene from a film where the central character stands motionless while the world around them whirls at breakneck speed only in his case its motorists trying desperately to find a parking space."
Angus began to get concerned, so approached him with his wife, continuing: "He's clearly confused and perhaps a little frightened.
"We strike up a casual conversation. In a softly-spoken, almost genteel, voice he confirms the story about forgetting where he's left his car. He tells us he's 90 years old.
"We can't just leave him so we continue to chat. He tells us his name, a bit about living on his own with no one popping in to see him on a regular basis, and his nearest relative who lives 20 miles away. Like my elderly Mum who is a year older, he's from a generation who don't like a fuss being made about them, or being reliant on others, while trying to remain quietly independent.
"He still can't remember where his car is. He tells me the vehicle's make and colour but nothing in the immediate vicinity matches his description after a quick search.

"He's starting to flag. He doesn't know how long he's been looking or when he left home. It could be an hour, maybe more. We're just grateful that last week's sub-zero temperatures are still not around.
"What are you supposed to do in such moments? There's no bobby on the beat these days to help. Maybe take him to the nearby library to warm up? The chances are it could well be closed.
"Instead, we continue to chit-chat, trying to tease out any details which might be relevant. Talk turns to his home - a five-minute drive away - and his interest in news and current affairs. He says he's a Yorkshire Post reader. I have to laugh at that.
"He eventually agrees to let me take his car key and look in another car park a few minutes' walk away. Trust has been earned over the type of everyday conversation he probably rarely experiences."
Angus and his wife then continued the search, but the 90-year-old was struggling to walk so he sat down outside a shop while Angus went to locate the vehicle - which thankfully turned out to be in the other car park.
He continued: "His car is in the other car park, its lights and locks clicking into action when I press his key fob in its direction at the first time of asking. Back in his chair, he smiles at the news and offers grateful thanks.
"We slowly walk with him to his car and write the registration number on his keyring fob. We wish him a Merry Christmas and watch him carefully ease himself into the driver's seat. A wave is exchanged as he slowly pulls away, hopefully heading home.
"The moral of my story? Perhaps it's just a simple reminder to think twice if you happen to see an elderly person out on their own and looking just a little bit lost. Asking gently if they need any help doesn't cost anything."
When the heartwarming story was shared on social media, the comments gushed over what a lovely deed it was.
One wrote: "Nice Good Samaritan story close to Christmas well done."
Another said: "What a wonderful story, it's so lovely to know that there are still people out there that care."
"Bless him", somebody commented, with the tears in their eyes emoji.
Have you got a heartwarming winter story? Let us know in the comments.