A hearing into corruption allegations against the president of Peru was interrupted by a video of a male stripper.
The images flashed up on the screens during the virtual hearing, prompting prosecutor Samuel Rojas to stop the proceedings and say: "they are showing very suggestive images".
The explicit content appeared as Mr Rojas outlined the reasons for why President Pedro Castillo should be investigated. The hearing was being publicly broadcast on the judiciary branch's television.
A clip of the incident has been shared widely on Twitter.
The video of the dancing stripper, named as Ricardo Milos, appeared through the user account of Benji Espinosa, who is a member of Castillo's defence team. As a result, the hearing was briefly suspended pending further enquiries.

Espinosa denied that he was responsible for the video and said he was the victim of "computer crime."
"The video appeared abruptly, giving the impression that it came from my account, which I reject," he told Reuters.
The lawyer said the incident "shows that the virtual system of the judiciary is vulnerable". He added that he would be filing a complaint with the judge.

The hearing is part of an evaluation of a request to throw out an investigation into whether the president led a corruption plot involving his former Minister of Transport and Communications, Juan Silva, who is currently in hiding.
Leftist President Castillo currently faces scrutiny of alleged corruption in his government, social protests and a fall in popularity after 10 months in power.