The 2022 Climate Choices Business Awards were handed out by the ACT Government earlier this week and among the winners was the Woden Valley Early Learning Centre, which won Sustainable Business of the Year.
The not-for-profit, parent-committee-run centre in Garran was recognised for its efforts to imbue children with a sense of caring for the environment by exposing them to nature in the early years.
Gabby Millgate, the nature pedagogy leader at the Woden Valley Early Learning Centre, said its entire philosophy was geared to sustainable living, whether that was using recyclable materials for art or keeping an on-site compost for the gardens.
"I'm advocating for children's access to nature in early learning environments because how else are they going to learn?" Ms Millgate said.
"In the first seven years, we're programming children's subconscious to drive who they're going to be when they grow up and their impact on the world and the way they can connect and contribute ...This is the beginning, this is where we start and it's so important."
Centre director Paulina Jagus was thrilled to receive the award.
"I'm so proud of our service," she said. "We work very hard to make sure we give our children the best. It's for them that we do what we do."

Minister for Emissions Reduction Shane Rattenbury said many of the businesses which received awards had participated in government initiatives designed to help them reduce energy and water usage and waste to landfill.
"Local businesses can play a big part in making the products and services we buy more environmentally sustainable, and the Climate Choices Business Awards celebrate those that go above and beyond," Mr Rattenbury said.
"I'm proud to see the innovative and proactive ways that Canberra businesses are taking action on climate change. It's wonderful to be able to celebrate some of ACT's climate action leaders in the business community."
The other 2022 winners were:
- Waste Minimisation Award: Embassy of United States of America
- Sustainable Event Award: Embassy of Belgium
- Zero Emissions Early Movers Award: Electromotiv Pty Ltd
- Corporate Climate Leader: Little National Hotel & St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn
- Innovation Excellence Award: Vikings Group
- Minister's Award for Leadership: Little National Hotel