Grab a spray paint can and make your mark on Mayfield this weekend. Legally, of course, and for art's sake.
The second annual Mayfield Art Trail returns to the suburb's streets this Saturday, January 13, from 10am to 2pm, and is a free and family-friendly event for all ages.
Organisers Mayfield Business Improvement Association say this year's trail along Maitland Road and surrounding streets will feature "an even bigger line-up of local art and installations in collaboration with The Little Festival and UP&UP".
Mayfield Arts Trail is an immersive experience which allows you to get in touch with your artsy, creative side. It also aims to identify local talent and emerging artists and bring a flood of new life, murals and street art to the suburb.
Maps and pens can be picked up from Onyx Espresso Bar at the start of the trail. Follow the map to discover the murals and complete the art quiz, finishing at Castle Personnel (85 Maitland Road) where there will be a community mural taking shape with a little help from local UP&UP artists. The first 100 to complete the scavenger hunt and quiz will win a prize.
As you wander the streets you will discover unique artworks, sculptures and installations presented by The Little Festival, as well as a live continuation of artist Jordan Lucky's eye-catching mural on the corner of Roe Street and Maitland Road.
Artists adding their creative talents to this year's Mayfield Arts Trail include Jordan Lucky, Tinky Sonntag, KEOB, Ruby Rickard Designs, Shan Primrose Art, James Jenkins, Broken Hartist, 085c3n3, Sewersidedream3r and Mini Zine Library.
"The Mayfield Business Improvement Association wanted to produce an activation for the community during the January school holidays," Mayfield Business Improvement Association chair Tony Sansom OAM said.
"The board has always supported murals in the area for beautification purposes and was motivated to showcase the many murals that have been completed over the past four years in and around Mayfield. We also wanted to do something that led visitors around the suburb to spend time and grab a coffee or some lunch along the way.
"An event like this helps to raise awareness for both visitors and locals that this suburb is alive with colour and interesting art installations from some emerging and amazingly popular local artists.
"Having the artists painting live on the trail allows kids and adults to talk directly to the artist about their work and, who knows, maybe inspire some budding artists out there."
Mayfield Arts Trail is a Mayfield Business Improvement Association initiative in conjunction with the City of Newcastle, Hunter Events Group, Castle Personnel, The Little Festival and UP&UP.