If you’re a fan of clean, natural-looking nail trends, you’re no doubt spoilt for choice at the moment. From the milky manicure to soap nails, as well as my personal favourite, BB cream nails; one thing’s for sure, minimalist manicure inspiration is coming in thick and fast.
But, before you settle on which look you’ll be asking for at your next nail appointment, allow me to throw another clean girl nail trend into the inspo ring and this one may just be the best yet (for way more than just the visual). Say hello to CC cream nails.
What are CC cream nails?
“Last year we saw a trend for BB nails however this year there is a slightly more targeted focus on nail concerns with the rise of the CC manicure,” says ORLY Global Ambassador, Lou Stokes. “So what is a CC manicure? Essentially it follows the same principle as a CC cream for your face. You use a specific base coat or polish to help colour correct any discolouration or imperfections on the nail plate.” The result? A manicure that looks like your natural nails on their best day ever, finished with a high shine, glossy top coat.
So, what causes nail discolouration?
To know how to use a CC cream nail polish effectively, it’s useful to look into what causes discolouration and how it may appear on the nail. “Discolouration on the nails can look vastly different depending on the causes,” Lou told me. “From a slight yellowing due to fake tan or dark nail polish to a stronger yellow or in some cases a green tinge caused by fungal infections. It may even be a slight grey/ blue tone caused by some medical treatments.”
Because discolouration can vary, it’s useful to tailor your CC polish to the tone you’re trying to correct. For yellow tones, whitening polishes, usually with a purple undertone, are a great option as these neutralise any warm discolouration for a fresh, natural look. Alternatively, a sheer pink-toned nail polish will offer slightly more coverage to correct most types of discolouration.
“Ideally when choosing a CC nail polish, you want a polish that not only covers your discolouration and imperfections but that is also packed with vitamins and nutrients to help condition the nails and strengthen the nail structure,” Lou added. This will ensure your CC mani improves the look of your nails instantly, as well as help repair your nails over time to ensure they look their best even when they’re polish-free. It is worth noting however, if discolouration persists, especially in green or grey tones, it’s definitely worth checking with your GP as well, to make sure there isn’t a more serious underlying cause.
Now, onto the edit: I’ve rounded up the best colour-correcting nail polishes that will make achieving the CC nail look just that little bit easier. Plus, alongside colour correcting properties, all these polishes also work to revitalise and repair the nail under the surface as well. See, I told you this trend was about more than just the visual. That means you can not achieve the ultimate clean girl mani but also get your healthiest, strongest and most flawless-looking natural nails too. Win, win.