A firebombed synagogue is set to undergo a multi-million dollar restoration no matter who wins the upcoming federal election, with both major parties pledging funds towards the rebuild.
The Adass Israel Synagogue and community centre in Ripponlea was set alight while people were inside during a pre-dawn attack in December 2024.
Two of the synagogue's three buildings were gutted in the blaze while Torah Scrolls, books and papers were also destroyed.
On Tuesday, Labor vowed to provide $30 million towards the rebuild as well as $1.2m towards security upgrades for existing buildings.

The funding is already allocated in next week's federal budget and comes on top of $250,000 committed to restore Torah Scrolls.
"It was an attempt to threaten and silence the Jewish community, in Melbourne and right around Australia," Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and local MP Josh Burns said in a statement.
"We won't stand for that.
"We are committed to ensuring that this community rebuilds."
It comes a day after Opposition leader Peter Dutton pledged up to $35 million to restore the synagogue and bolster security if the Coalition wins government.

"We want to bring it back to life, much bigger and better than what it was," Mr Dutton told reporters on Monday.
"That is a symbolic response to those people who have hate in their hearts.
"Anti-Semitism is not just an issue for the Jewish community, it is an issue for every Australian."
The fire was declared a likely terror attack by Victoria and Australian Federal police.
Those responsible remain on the run, with no official confirmation of who may be responsible.
"The investigation into this incident remains ongoing," a Victoria Police spokeswoman said.
"There are no further details that we are releasing at this time."