Majili, starting Naga Chaitanya and Samantha Akkineni, has generated a lot of buzz since the makers revealed the first look of the film. On Monday, another photo from the film emerged online in which we see Chay with debut actor Divyansha Kaushik. It looks like she will play a pivotal role in the film. Chaitanya is also dressed in cricket whites and from the looks of it, he seems to have won a match as well. This would explain the happy look on the actors’ faces in the poster.
Does this mean Samantha is a part of Chay’s past in the film? The first look poster with the two of them holding each other seemed to be from their college days. So far, nothing about the plot has been revealed by the makers. Director Shiva had only said that Majili is not a sports drama, but a film in which cricket plays an important role.
Here's refreshing #Majili2ndLook featuring Yuvasamrat @Chay_Akkineni and @divyanshak_
— Shine Screens (@Shine_Screens) January 14, 2019
Releasing worldwide on 5th April
A film by @ShivaNirvana #Majili @Samanthaprabhu2 @sahrudayg @harish_peddi #GopiSundar @Shine_Screens @VishnuSarmaDOP @sahisuresh #ChaySam4 #MajiliOnApr5th
He earlier said to Firstpost, “Romance in Ninnu Kori was very lighthearted, but it will be intense in this film. Also, Ninnu Kori was more urban-centric in its overall approach and treatment. It won’t be too urban this time.”
Majili is also special for actors Samantha and Chaitanya as this would be their first film together after their wedding in 2017. The two have worked together in Ye Maya Chesave, Auto Nagar Surya and Manam before that.
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First Published: Jan 14, 2019 14:35 IST