Maine Governor Janet Mills has taken decisive action in response to the tragic events in Lewiston last October by signing a comprehensive set of gun safety laws and mental health support measures. These actions come after the state witnessed its deadliest mass shooting, which claimed the lives of 18 individuals and left 13 others injured.
The new laws, approved by state lawmakers, encompass a range of provisions aimed at bolstering public safety while respecting Maine's strong tradition of gun ownership and outdoor heritage. Among the key measures are expansions to background checks for private gun sales and enhancements to the state's "yellow flag" law, which allows for intervention in cases where individuals in mental health crises possess firearms.
Governor Mills, in her recent State of the State address, emphasized the urgency of action in the aftermath of the Lewiston tragedy, ABC News reported. She underscored the need to prevent such incidents from occurring again while recognizing the rights of responsible gun owners.
Despite opposition from some quarters, Governor Mills defended the legislation as a necessary step towards ensuring public safety. She stressed that the new laws strike a balance between protecting communities and preserving individual liberties.
One significant aspect of the legislation is the requirement for background checks on private gun sales advertised online. Sellers will now be mandated to conduct these checks through licensed businesses, closing a potential loophole in existing regulations.
Moreover, amendments to the state's yellow flag law aim to streamline the process for law enforcement to intervene in cases of individuals in mental health crises who possess firearms. By allowing police to obtain warrants directly from judges, the revised law seeks to expedite the response to such situations.
Supporters of the new laws, including advocates for expanded gun control measures, welcomed the Governor's actions as a crucial step forward. They emphasized the importance of addressing both the availability of firearms and the underlying issues of mental health.
Governor Mills' approval of the legislation comes following revelations from a special commission investigating the circumstances surrounding the Lewiston shooting. Fellow reservists of the perpetrator had reportedly raised concerns about his behavior prior to the incident, highlighting the need for proactive measures to identify and address potential threats.
In addition to the gun safety measures, Governor Mills has proposed the establishment of a violence and injury prevention program. This program would leverage data from various sources to inform public policy decisions aimed at reducing violence and promoting community safety.
Furthermore, plans for the expansion of crisis centers across the state aim to enhance mental health support services, providing timely assistance to individuals in need.