Cleaning enthusiasts have shared a genius tip to remove thick limescale from kettles.
The chalky buildup will not only give off a nasty appearance - it will also spoil hot drinks and can even raise energy bills. It is an issue all households will face if they own a kettle, especially if they experience hard water where they live.
When hard water evaporates, a substance mainly made up of calcium and magnesium is left behind - this is what’s known as limescale. While it is completely harmless, most will want to clean their kettle regularly as hot drinks may not taste the best if they’re full of floating flakes of limescale. After failing to descale her kettle, one woman to the Mrs Hinch Facebook page to ask for some suggestions on how to remove built-up kettle limescale.
Elaine Dara wrote: “Any help to descale a kettle? I’ve tried the sachets and they’ve not worked.”
While there are a range of products specially designed to remove kettle limescale, not all are proven to be effective. What’s more, many of them are quite pricey, reports the Express.

Instead fellow group members in the comments suggested Elaine revert to using something she most likely has in her kitchen cupboard - white vinegar.
“Don’t bother wasting money on expensive descaling products when white vinegar is cheap and effective.”
Christine Powell said: “Empty kettle of water, then pour white vinegar in from Tesco 29p or anywhere else you can find it. Switch kettle on for it to boil then take it off the kettle base and watch as the vinegar has done it's magic.
“Empty the kettle and put fresh water in, boil and empty. That's it, all the limescale wIll have disappeared.”
In response to Christine, Shelly Barker wrote: “Best and cheapest way. I always do ours like this.” Joyce Finch added: “Totally agree, it’s brilliant. Best I’ve ever used on my kettle.”
Jade Wells commented: “Cup of vinegar and a cup of water, boil it and it gets rid of everything. You’ll just have to boil water in it once or twice before using it again.” Dawn Tomlin said: “White distilled vinegar will do the trick. Add water halfway then add 200ml in the kettle and boil.”
Acid is a good hard water stain remover, which is why white vinegar is an important ingredient to include in a homemade descaler.
The next best method Mrs Hinch fans suggested using was citric acid. Sandra Read said: “Two teaspoons of citric acid in hot water, it’s brilliant.”
Anita Martos Trusz wrote: “Citric acid is the best. It doesn't smell and fizz up like vinegar and it's cheap.” Carlie Adams added: “Citric acid, pour in kettle, add water, put to the boil and it will be gone.”
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