MAFS groom Rupert Budgen went on the Gold Coast’s SeaFM 90.9 to have a yarn with the Bianca, Ben & Lakey show.
Evelyn Ellis
Bianca Dye
“I’m not usually half bad,” he said.
Not knowing what he was referring to, Bianca asked him to clarify.
“At talking,” he responded.
“Oh! I thought you were talking about in the bedroom! I was like, oh come on mate, you’ve got tickets on yourself,” she remarked.
But that, ladies and gentleman, is what led to a comment that had SeaFM’s producers screaming, crying and throwing up.
“No, I can find the clit and that’s about it,” he said.
While they scrambled to censor his “inappropriate” comment, they didn’t manage to hit the button in time. Something I’ve experienced in the bedroom too many times to count.
“Our producers have just had a heart attack when you dropped that word, Rupert,” co-host Danny Lakey remarked.
But while I have my doubts about the validity of old mate Rupert’s claims, I genuinely don’t think there is anything wrong with saying the word “clit” on air.
And, if you have an issue with the word
à la the SeaFM producers, j
ust ask to be seated next to a table of gals at bottomless brunch and I swear to God you’ll be desensitised to the word within 45 minutes.
But all in all, the interview was a bit of fun, ending with Lakey remarking; “we’ve got Evelyn [Ellis] on tomorrow, we’ll see if Rupert’s words are true!”
I’ll only believe his claims if she confirms it tbh.
After discussing his elaborate TV wedding to model and his nerves about being on camera, Rupert made a comment that confused host .
If we can refer to the male anatomy in a colourful array of ways (dick, penis, cock and, my personal favourite, shlong) then we can give the clit a solid go.
The post MAFS’ Rupert, Noted Bold Man, Claimed He Can Absolutely Find The Clit In A Live Radio Interview appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .