Wednesday night marked Married At First Sight‘s (MAFS) third dinner party of the 2025 season and it was bloooody wild. Let this be your first spoiler warning before we dive in.
And this is your SECOND ONE: this article contains Married At First Sight spoilers. It’s up to you if you wanna stay or leave.
MAFS 2025 is truly the gift that keeps on giving because Wednesday night’s dinner party brought out ALL the stops. Shitty grooms, emotional cheating, intruders and the return of Morena Farina and Tony Mojanovski.
While we’d like the linger on the happy stuff — AKA Morena and Tony — we have to jump into all the spooky shit, ‘cos that’s what we’re highkey here for.
Kicking off the Wednesday night’s fuckery was the switch-up of Ryan Donnelly and Jacqui Burfoot. To give you a quick recap, Jacqui had a ‘yuge meltdown at intruders’ Beth Kelly and Teejay Malkias‘ wedding, where she was called out for messaging Jeff Gobbels behind both Ryan and Rhi Disljenkovic‘s backs.
However, it appears that the whole debacle is behind them because they’re loved up! WHAT A HEADFUCK.

Then, Adrian Araouzou returned after having left the experiment for not being included in a MAFS promo only to get into an argument with his wife Awhina Rutene who was upset because he went out for dinner with Sierah Swepstone — Billy Belcher‘s wife — following accusations of emotional cheating.
When Awhina demanded an apology from Adrian for abandoning her, Adrian fired back, blowing their reunion into a massive argument.
“You’ve left me,” Awhina fired back. “Adrian, you don’t deserve me being here anymore. I absolutely have made the right decisions. It’s actually wild how you’re acting.”

Jump forward to the dinner party, Awhina arrived alone and revealed to the girls that Sierah and Adrian went out for dinner (with Tony allegedly present) which shocks the cast and the expert.
Following Awhina’s truth bomb, Billy arrived alone, backing up Awhina’s story.
Sierah — who’d been living separately from Billy due to their martial issues — arrived shortly after and attempted to apologise to Awhina in front of the cast.
“Sierah, you felt isolated. I understand that. You had hours with me to tell me and you lied to me all day,” Awhina fired back before shutting down Sierah’s apology and walking away.

Unfortunately, shit gets worse when Adrian rocks up. YAWN. When he finally spots Awhina, who’s been vocal about the whole situation and how it made her felt, Adrian told her, “Smile. You look cuter when you smile.”
Oh, where is Cyclone Cyrell when you need her?

The tense air is then broken by the return of Lauren Hall, who is all smiles with new hubby Clint Rice. But that is short-lived with the return of Eliot Donovan and his new wife, Veronica Cloherty.
Who, who is letting these stank ass men back in the experiment????

Immediately, the blokes rip into Eliot, asking him why he returned. Clint went on to defend Lauren, asking the bloke if he was “OK with how [he] treated Lauren.”
Lauren went on to explain how Eliot was extremely rude the day after they got married and how that attitude carried on into their honeymoon.
The trad-wife bride then recalled how Eliot went on and on about his non-negotiables, how Lauren didn’t fit into that and all that stupidity we witnessed on Week One of MAFS. Lauren’s explanation was obviously having an impact on Veronica, who looked quite disgusted with Eliot’s treatment of Lauren.

Eliot dismissed everything Lauren said, shaking his head at all the things she listed. When asked if he thought she was lying about the whole experience, Eliot brought up that heated conversation at the honeymoon where he said Lauren wasn’t right for him because of his non-negotiables.
“We sat down on camera and we had a whole conversation that we agreed that we weren’t right for each other,” Eliot spouted.
Lauren denied that happened, to which Eliot responded, “You had about five margaritas so you probably don’t remember.”
After blaming her drankity dranks, the whole cast called him out, with Awhina even going, “Don’t even mate”.
Eliot’s new wife, Veronica, was visibly upset by his “five margaritas” comment.

“The way that you just said to her, ‘You had five margaritas,’ like disgusting,” Veronica shared.
When Eliot attempted to deny that he shamed Lauren for having bevvies on her honeymoon, Veronica doubled down, telling him he just shamed her with that comment.

Now — I feel like this is a little bit of reality TV editing magic but it comes out of nowhere — shortly after Eliot vs the MAFS cast argument, Jacqui walked over to Ryan to ask him for 10 compliments.
Instead of your regular compliments, Ryan starts talking about a cookie (a literal cookie, not da pum pum), and how he likes her healthy lifestyle, which sends the other brides into orbit.
The conversation then fed into the wedding meltdown, with Jeff calling out Ryan and Jacqui for “dragging” him into their relationship.

However, this short-lived drama is then cut by Billy, who wants everyone to discuss Adrian and Sierah’s situation and how Adrian left Awhina alone.
LIKE A TRUE KING. LEMME REPEAT, LIKE A TRUE KING Billy gave the floor to Awhina who poured her heart out to the group, reflecting on how it made her feel to see Adrian’s ring on the counter.
“Since the last Commitment Ceremony, I asked for you to show up for me,” Awhina told Adrian in front of the whole party.
“You didn’t show up for me when you left because of the publicity shoot. You left the ring on the counter. That’s what I walked into an empty apartment, a ring on the counter and a text message from you telling me to pack your bags.”
“To walk in today and to deflect the whole situation back on me,” Awhina continued before Adrian attempted to interject, but was thankfully shut down by Mama Morena.
“I was empathetic to your situation, you then tried to turn the tables and renavigate how we ended up here. You didn’t offer any genuine apology or even still ask me how I am.”

Adrian attempted to argue the reason behind why he left, blaming the publicity shoot for his departure to which Morena and Jacqui both chimed in saying they weren’t there (living for the girls this season).
The conversation then bubbles to a whole kerfuffle, with all the girlies (and some of the grooms) standing up for Awhina. Adrian continued to dig himself into a hole, first accusing Awhina of gaslighting and then referring to women as “females”. AYIYIYI.

After a bunch of yelling from Adrian’s side, Awhina decided to drop the bomb and question why Adrian was at dinner with Sierah!!!!!
Following a commercial break, Awhina went on to confront Sierah, to which the former Bachelor contestant claimed the dinner was just “innocent”.
“We shared a plate of meat. That was all that happened,” Sierah shared as Billy looked on in confusion, waiting for his apology.
Although Adrian attempted to soften the blow by sharing that Tony was present, Billy wasn’t having it and a yelling match between the grooms broke out.
I mean, they all pulled a Morena cause there was A LOT of finger-pointing!

After a heated exchange, Adrian dropped the bomb that Billy asked for a wife swap.
Billy then admitted that he did say but he was “fuming” when he made the suggestion. The revelation was too much for Sierah to handle that she left the table to sit in one of those breakout rooms. Is that what they’re called? IDK the rooms where they go for time out.
Eventually, Adrian followed Sierah to the breakout room, alongside Tony.
Adrian then went on to joke about the wife swap, suggesting that it would be a good option.
“We should just do the wife swap. See if they like it tomorrow. We should fucking do it. Fuck them both,” Adrian joked before Sierah pulled a face.

Here’s what folks had to say about Wednesday night’s dinner party.
MAFS has literally run out of ideas for drama. We’ve done the wife swap joke before. It wasn’t entertaining then. It’s not now. #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/iRT1xsTrjs
— JL (@JLnow2) February 19, 2025
Dinner party! #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/1dej4c2O6G
— Mark (@kramsirrom) February 19, 2025
So many fuckwits at this dinner party Lordy 🤦♀️ #mafsau pic.twitter.com/SZOkLqqHaV
— Sam (@Sam112193629531) February 19, 2025
innocent and shared plate of meat shouldn’t be said in the same sentence #MAFS #MAFSAU
— teresa (@augustfallin) February 19, 2025
Dear #MAFSAU, The dinner party episode should be a two-hour show!
— 🎨🧚♀️🌱🍁❄️alikat🐬☔️🌧🛁🪡🪷 (@iallikat) February 19, 2025
Adrian, on camera for a tv show that is on 4 nights a week for literally 3 months, storms off set over not being in a 30 second photo shoot. #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/gk2iJ0OeHw
— Emily Tammes (@EmilyTammes) February 19, 2025
If you listen closely to Elliott’s drunken rambling, you’ll hear the worlds smallest violin 🎻 playing the worlds saddest song because he IS THE VICTIM#MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/fXcaqtCRyO
— Steph the sarcastic sequin (@StephSequin) February 19, 2025
me watching veronica stand up to eliot and defend lauren #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/COlTNBAUI9
— luci (@llluci) February 19, 2025
Every woman in Australia watching Adrian#MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/P71JpG5X0y
— Flickeroo (@felicityaus) February 19, 2025
Oh good God, here comes Jacqui with her delusions, because we ain’t seen enough yet!! 😂 #MAFS #MAFSAU #MAFSAUS #MAFSAustralia pic.twitter.com/XYGbwhPWR4
— Alexie the great (@lexialexi12) February 19, 2025
Do these nutjobs realise that there are cameras filming all their conversations? Tim, Ryan, Adrian and now Eliot denying previous conversations. Morons#MAFSAU #MAFSAUS
— Peta H (@hotpies4) February 19, 2025
— Steven (@nesjws) February 19, 2025
Eliot has zero accountability but all the audacious delusion to lie knowing there are cameras everywhere filming him🫠 #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/rxdktiWcj9
— Seee-Lah🖕🏾 (@ItsSilaN0tCilla) February 19, 2025
Lmfao… Adrian, what a fcking loser!!! #mafs #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/v6olRrI6vf
— Ariadne Quinn (@ariadne_quinn) February 19, 2025
This dinner party is a conplete shit show and I’m down with that 🎉🎉🥳#MAFS #MAFSAU #MarriedAtFirstSight pic.twitter.com/M1ApVlbScz
— imarackstar! (@racksta) February 19, 2025
All I have to contribute is that I’m proud of the girls (minus Sierah, I’m sorry) for sticking up for each other.
Married At First Sight returns Sunday on Channel Nine and 9Now.
Brought to you by our mates at MasterFoods, helping you do it in the kitchen.
The post MAFS Fans Have Been Left Reeling After That Bloody Doozy Of A Dinner Party appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .