We’re only a week away from Final Vows for Married At First Sight (MAFS) 2025, and Paul Antoine has royally fucked up his chances at a happily ever after with ‘wife’ Carina Mirabile. WOMP WOMP.
This article contains Married At First Sight (MAFS) spoilers. It’s up to you if you wanna stay or leave.
Final Vows Week is just around the corner. However, our experts have decided to put our 2025 participants through hell one more time by introducing Final Test Week.
In Final Test Week, our couples are separated and given the opportunity to meet up with another potential match for a date.
At this point of the experiment, it would be expected that most of our couples would fight the temptation of meeting another connection — except couples that are on the rocks, like Beth Kelly and Teejay Halkias — however, Paul chose to go on the date.

Paul’s reasoning behind the secret rendezvous was “pure curiosity”, but before this plot twist, the controversial groom expressed how solid Carina and his relationship was.
Heck, even at the final Commitment Ceremony, Paul emphasised how he has “strong” feelings for his ‘wife’.

Anyways, we soon discovered that Paul could’ve been matched up with Hannah, who immediately clocked the groom for agreeing to the date despite being (allegedly) happy with Carina.
“So if you’re so happy, why are you here?” Hannah asked before clocking him a second time by asking if he’d done this in other relationships.
“Why are you curious, though? Have you done this in past relationships? Gone out with other women? Cheated?”

While Paul was on a date, Carina stayed back at the apartment after describing the challenge as a form of cheating. During her apartment stay, Carina took the time to wash Paul’s underwear and clean the apartment, ALL WHILE HE WENT ON A DATE.
When it was time for Paul to return, Carina expressed how much she missed him up until he revealed that he took on the challenge.

Immediately, Carina called him out on his bullshit and how he “didn’t consider [her] feelings” for another time — referring to their spat that stemmed from Paul’s honesty letter — and how he cheated. In response, the Frenchman said he was just “curious” and justified his date by saying he was thinking and talking about Carina throughout the whole shebang.
Paul: ‘omgyoushould’veseenhershe lookedlikeaBarbiedollIonlywentcosIwascuriouseventhoughIcould’vesaid noWetalkedaboutyoutheentiretimeIjustfeltuncomfortablethewholetimeandIjustcouldn’twaittocomebackandholdyouandsqueezeyouinmyarms…’#MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/e7Z5nBvtbp
— petty cragdale 💮 (@artpunkamor) March 24, 2025
Unfortunately — and thankfully — Carina could see through his “curiosity” and eventually kicked him out of the apartment, potentially ending their relationship days before Final Vows.
DESERVED, if you ask me.
Here’s what fans had to say about Paul’s Final Test date and his fight with Carina.
“Washing your undies and shit…”
— 🐾 The Glitch (@ReReSaysSo) March 24, 2025
Saw that coming #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/v1152OPEvB
I can't with this, she is cleaning the house, she is folding his underwear, and Paul went happily to a date with another woman, and he realised he liked Carina more because he met a strong woman who put himself in his place. Loser behaviour. #MAFSAU #MAFSAustralia pic.twitter.com/HeKuDfxp46
— K💟 (@Kathettk) March 24, 2025
“Why didn’t it work out with your wife?” GAHAHAHAHA I just know blondie would have been a pot stirrer, wish we’d gotten to know her earlier lmao #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/76eGiy6k27
— Steph the sarcastic sequin (@StephSequin) March 24, 2025
Paul thought it was a good idea to go on a date with a woman he was matched with, when only weeks ago Carina was crying over him spending time with Awhina.
— Pete Ato-Bake (@PeterDenning) March 24, 2025
Paul’s a dumb fuck. #MAFSAU
Paul trying explain why he is going on the date ….. #MAFSAU #mafs pic.twitter.com/o8yWdbvyAy
— Mim (@mrsmimk) March 24, 2025
paul getting cooked by the live poll is the icing on the cake 💀 #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/meCXjAorhF
— tony (@IceCreamTony) March 24, 2025
IDK how you could fuck up soooooo many times on reality TV.
Married At First Sight returns tomorrow on Channel Nine and 9Now.
The post MAFS Fans Grill Paul Antoine For Betraying Carina Mirabile By Taking On The Final Test Challenge appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .