Married At First Sight (MAFS) fans have been sent into orbit over Jake Luik‘s behaviour during the photo ranking task in this year’s confessions week.
This article contains Married At First Sight spoilers. It’s up to you if you wanna stay or leave.
In a disappointing twist, Jake, who’s been matched with loveable Ashleigh Ackerman, has seemingly shown his true colours through the daunting photo ranking task.
For those who’ve yet to feast their eyes on the controversial confessions week challenge, brides and grooms are handed photos of their fellow castmates and are asked to rank them.
Think Abby Lee Miller‘s pyramid but from the depths of HELL.
Arguments usually arise from where spouses rank themselves. However, for Jake and Ashleigh, it’s the way the 30-year-old primary school teacher spoke about the brides.
Shit went immediately downhill as soon as he opened his mouth to explain why certain brides was ranked in a specific place.

When picking up Jacqueline Burfoot‘s, Jack commented that she had “crazy eyes”. When picking up Morena Farina‘s, he said, “a little too old for my comfort range.”
For Sierah Swepstone, Jake said she had an intimidating aura and that she had a face that screams “I could stab you in your sleep”.
He then picked up Awhina Rutene‘s photo; he kicked off by saying, “I’m not racist or nothing”, but then went on to say, “I like Caucasians mainly, mostly.”
“Awhina she’s not exactly like — she’s Maori I think — probably why she’s a bit higher, the physical features,” he continued.

Ultimately, Jack placed Carina Mirabile in first place because she’s “conventionally pretty”. As for his wife, Ash, Jack placed her at fourth revealing that he wouldn’t usually for for girls who look like his MAFS match.
“Four is a good rating. I wouldn’t conventionally go for someone who looks like that,” Jack said about his wife before correcting himself and saying “Not looks like that, but looks like her.”
Thankfully, Ash decided to hold Jake accountable for his vile words. However, Jake decided to play it off and say that the whole thing was just banter and jokes.
When Jake realised that Ash was very serious in standing her ground for her fellow brides, the groom said that the confrontation “really pissed him off” and that he’s “not a naturally vicious person”.
“I’m done,” he told Ash after waving and throwing the camera crew a thumbs up.

As a single WOC watching MAFS, Jake’s comments about Awhina triggered THE FUCK out of me. So before I go rage on with my two cents, here’s what the internet had to say.
“I’m not a vicious person.” And “it was a joke” … #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/W6DdH67aXk
— Selene 🖤💛❤️ (@selenenyx87) February 5, 2025
Sexism, Ageism, racism, fat shaming…. Jake has covered all the food groups. #MAFS #MAFSAU #MAFSAUS #MAFSAustralia pic.twitter.com/jkSa2V04ar
— BDavin22 (@BDavin22) February 5, 2025
“I do like Caucasian looking people more” 🥴🥴🥴
— Steph the sarcastic sequin (@StephSequin) February 5, 2025
Jakey boy, I was really rooting for you till whatever the fuck this WAS. My GOD another nightmare manchild. #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/JPPGkdsm3j
— TV 🦄🍄Junkie (@ammestar) February 5, 2025
The judgement from the mop head is outrageous pic.twitter.com/qpK0TYhouS
Okay Jake you are now in the bin #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/2Kb2KSy9ri
— Jenna C (@JL_Carr86) February 5, 2025
Jake is a walking red flag, well rounded people don't speak about women the way he did. #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/4cNPtB4dCF
— D (@xwickedmindx) February 5, 2025
"I'm not racist but"
— ayan (a-yarn) (@WaaYarn) February 5, 2025
I know what you are Jake #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/NPRkjJe1Xb
Shocking fact saying “ not trying to be racist” doesn’t make the racist comment you made afterwards not racist! Jake, If trying not be racist in the future you could just not be racist. 🤯#MAFSAU
— David Koch (@David_Koch_) February 5, 2025
— so tired (Taylor’s Version) (@pjk27779) February 5, 2025
Now Jake.
2025 going great guns so far.#MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/TXYbTrzHwg
Jake managed to keep the Nice Guy mask on a little longer than Tim did… 😑 #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/mMKJKijd6r
— petty cragdale 💮 (@artpunkamor) February 5, 2025
The lack of self awareness in #MAFSAU 2025 is insane.
— Jayele (@msjayele) February 5, 2025
Jake after criticising every woman: I’m not a vicious person. It was just a joke, and you’re f*****g turning it. I’m done. #MAFS pic.twitter.com/inXIsq3CxM
Jake is literally a teacher how does he not know “if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all” #MAFSAU
— Sim Singh (@simosasingh) February 5, 2025
Nah bro, not on. That mouth needs some washing with soap, with bleach even #mafsau
— Jacob Seb (@IMJakeSebastian) February 5, 2025
Jake bro, you’re on TV, there’s a literal camera man (probably crew) in your room. These women will all see what you said… #mafsau #mafs
— Aria (@ariakouds) February 5, 2025
The episode ends with Ash revealing that she told Sierah ALL THE TEA that happened during that horrific challenge, which is then brought up on Sunday’s commitment ceremony.
We love a cliffhanger to finish off the week, but this whole situation has my blood boiling.
Married At First Sight returns Sunday on Channel Nine and 9Now.
Brought to you by our mates at MasterFoods, helping you do it in the kitchen.
The post MAFS Fans Are Rightfully Raging Over Jake Luik’s Comments During The Photo Ranking Challenge appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .