You MAFS fiends are in for a treat, as apparently the 2025 season of Married At First Sight is not only the most scandalous season of the show but also the most… wholesome? Because what is MAFS, if not a brain-destroying paradox. Someone get me a drink.
In what has been tipped by Yahoo to be the “most controversial” season yet for the social-experiment-posing-as-a-reality-show, leaks have revealed that the 2025 season of MAFS will feature multiple scandals.
However, because of the universe’s always-increasing entropy, chaos cannot last forever. And because what goes up must come down, somehow the season that has reportedly had the most scandals, has also ended up being the season that will have the most couples remain together at the end of experiment. Huh?
The only way this can be described is that it’s kinda like how all the world’s brightest minds have not yet managed to merge the concepts of general relativity and quantum theory with a unified theory of everything.
These two vastly opposite forces seemingly cannot make sense together, but against all odds, they do.
And so too, will MAFS 2025.
As reported by Yahoo Lifestyle, it is currently understood that the upcoming season will feature a “record-breaking” number of couples who remain together successfully.
This came as a massive surprise to the Married At First Sight production team who, according to a sneaky source, were ready to throw in the towel for the season after six members of the cast quit in the first two weeks.
“Everyone thought this season was a lost cause but a surprising amount of couples have really pulled through and made it to the end of the experiment,” the anonymous source told Yahoo.
That said, the production for MAFS 2025 is still ongoing, with the remaining couples preparing to film their Final Vow ceremonies in Sydney. So there’s still plenty of time for everything to fall apart.
Never count your MAFS eggs before they hatch. Or complain about a bad edit.
Lead Image: MAFS/Nine
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