Last year around March time there was one burning question lighting fire to social media in Glasgow...Where can I get my hands on a bottle of MD 20/20 Electric Melon?
The new flavour of the hugely popular drink flew off the shelves when it went on sale in the city, with garages, mini-markets and corner shops instigating policies of 'two per customer' to cope with demand for it.
With businesses such as Bloc in the city centre and Kandy Krunch in Cardonald taking advantage of the hype to come up with a Mad Dog infused burger dish and MD 20/20 Electric Melon cake slices respectively last year.
And now it seems like lightning is going to strike twice with the news that MD 20/20 have announced a new special flavour for 20/20 in the form of their Limited Edition (Gold) pineapple flavour bottle.

The bad news, however, is that it won't reach Scottish shores, so Glaswegians will need to find themselves on US soil if they want to get a taste of it.
Having heard the news of the new flavour, Glasgow Live reached out to MD2020, who informed us:
"The MD 20/20 Gold will only be released in the US. We are only authorized to offer the following four varietals in the UK: Electric Melon, Strawberry Kiwi, Orange Jubilee and Blue Raspberry".
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