THE IRREPARABLE loss of two grandmothers that were loved beyond words has left a hole in the hearts of all who knew them.
"Absolute life of the party", 52-year-old Patricia Kerr, and 59-year-old Therese Harris who "always helped without judgement" lost their lives in a horror house fire at Teralba in the early hours of the morning on Thursday, February 29.
The blaze, believed to have been started by a lithium-ion battery that exploded into flames, has left two families facing an emptiness that still doesn't feel real.
Ms Harris has been remembered for her huge heart and generosity, a person who would go out of her way to help others "regardless of their background or walk of life".
Born and raised in Sydney, Ms Harris moved around before landing in Muswellbrook.
She moved to Teralba two years ago to be closer to her daughters and the Mater Hospital for cancer treatment.
"We more often than not had someone staying with us growing up that needed a place to stay or were doing it tough," daughter Sharnee Lillis said.
"On Christmas Day she would open her home to anyone that didn't have a family of their own to spend it with.
"She would offer lifts to strangers, a bed if someone needed it or a hot meal to anyone who was hungry."
Even though she was doing it tough herself, Ms Harris never hesitated to reach into her own pockets, donating to multiple organisations because she "just loved to help people".
At the time of the fire, Ms Harris was renting the Teralba unit and loved living near the water where she would walk her best friend and beloved dog Tiny, who sadly also passed away in the blaze.
She was a proud grandmother who loved taking her grandchildren on outings, teaching them to knit and crochet and spoiling them at movie nights and sleepovers.

Ms Lillis said her mum was an outgoing person, involved in bible clubs, Taekwondo and serving as a member on several committees over the years.
"It's been such a shock to everyone and she will be greatly missed," she said.
"She had many friends and she loved to spend time with 'the girls' as she called them."
But of all her achievements in life, Ms Lillis said her mum was most proud of her children.
"We always felt extremely loved and cared for, if we ever needed her she was always straight there," she said.
"She was the best mum anyone could ever ask for."

Ms Kerr, mother to Zachary, Lachlan and Jason Kuyltjes, was visiting Ms Harris' Teralba unit on the night of the fatal fire.
On Monday afternoon, her family received the heartbreaking news that she had been formally identified.
Her son Zach said she was an "iconic" member of the family and "the absolute life of a party".
"[She was] the first person to help you if you needed it, the gossip queen, the head operator of the rumour mill," he said.
"She would befriend all walks of life with zero judgement of your circumstances or status."
He said his mum lived an outrageous lifestyle with the "confidence of a rock star" and was without a doubt an "inspirational opportunist".
"Patricia had her own code she lived by in life and those that know the real her understood this," he said.
"As we try and navigate the process of our loss, we all need time to come to terms with it all and understand and comprehend what our lives will now be without her in it."
Both families said they have been absolutely overwhelmed by the community's support.

GoFundMe fundraisers have been set up to assist both families with funeral costs.
To make a donation to Ms Harris' family visit gofundme.com/f/therese-harris or to Ms Kerr's family at gofundme.com/f/patricia-delmarie-kerr.
The deaths are believed to be the first recorded in the state due to a lithium-ion battery-related blaze.
Investigators believe a compromised battery immediately went into 'thermal runaway,' where a cell overheats and gives off toxic gases before exploding in flames.
Two residents escaped the fire, but sadly the bodies of Ms Harris and Ms Kerr were recovered from the unstable ruins of the Railway Street home on Friday and Saturday.
NSW Police will prepare a report for the NSW coroner, who will formally rule on the cause of the deaths.