Well, would you look at that – the universe is a confirmed member of #TeamDamiAndIndiyah! Monday night’s episode of Love Island opened up the possibility of the Dublin scientist and the London-based hotel waitress exploring a romance. Yet, in their way stood a rather sizeable obstacle – the existence of Amber and Ikenna. How could they pursue their newly acknowledged spark in peace, potentially betraying their best pals in the villa? Within minutes of Tuesday’s episode, the problem is solved: we find out that Ikenna and Amber received the fewest votes from the public, so have to leave the island immediately. It’s a bittersweet moment, as it’s clear that both were popular among the cast, and will be missed.
Though tears are shed, their departure leaves Dami and Indiyah officially single and free to frolic – but they at least spend the night in mourning before making heart eyes at each other. Tasha and Andrew, who were also on the dumping line, admit that they both would have left the villa if the other had been eliminated. Elsewhere, the other couple at risk of leaving, Ekin-Su and Jay, have a similar chat. “It actually made me feel as if I had genuine feelings towards you, because I was like, ‘If Ekin goes, I would go,’” Jay tells her. However, his romantic declaration begins to feel much shakier as the episode progresses. Late at night, Ekin-Su whispers: “Would you wait for me on the outside?”. Jay’s response is less than encouraging: “Let’s take it one day at a time.” Dear Ekin-Su, this relationship is in trouble.
The next day, Jay’s second thoughts about his pairing become even more clear as he admits to Gemma: “The more I’m spending time with Ekin, the synergy isn’t what I thought it would be.” (Perhaps it’s a sudden fear of tying his fate to an “unpopular” partner?) He then asks Gemma’s opinion on who she thinks would be interested in getting to know him better – and before we know it, his sights are set on Paige. Of course, we all know that Ekin-Su won’t be going away without a fight, so Jay desperately approaches Davide to see whether there’s something that can be salvaged between the former couple. Sadly for Jay, the door to the Italian stallion’s heart is well and truly closed when it comes to Ekin-Su. “Don’t worry, once you’ve failed with me, you’ve failed,” Davide smirks; Jay grimaces; I cackle.
Later that night, the Islanders take part in a game of truths, where they burst balloons with their body parts and answer some candid questions about their fellow contestants. Highlights include Indiyah and Dami having their first of multiple kisses after a saucy lap dance (hot!); Jacques nominating Ekin-Su and Jay as the couple least likely to succeed (cringe!), and Danica calling Luca the neediest of the Islanders (burn!). Having received nothing but poorly masked disdain from her reluctant partner so far, Danica’s small moment of getting her own back on Luca feels right. It’s a good, messy challenge that moves the drama forward and could set up some juicy scenes in the future.
Finally, a text lets the gang know that the hideaway’s open. Paige and Jacques are selected as the recipients of a night away from the prying eyes and ears of the other Islanders. After some giggling and kissing, the lights are out and the fledgling pair are left in relative privacy for the evening. The scene ends with a shot of a discarded bottle of lotion – romantic as ever, Love Island – before the next episode’s teaser kicks in: a new girl’s coming! A bombshell named Antigoni! Will she be the one to pull Davide out of his single slump?