There were sad scenes on Love Island last night when Danica Taylor once again faced rejection when she coupled up with an unwilling Jay Younger.
Earlier in the day the dancer told muscle-bound Jay she was considering choosing him at the recoupling, admitting that she'd like to get to know him better.
Pouring cold water on the situation, Jay said he was actually more attracted to Antigoni Buxton, but told Danica, 'you do you' when it came to the crunch.
Which is exactly what she did, only for Jay to pull a face when talking to the lads and insist he'd made it quite clear that the door was 100 per cent closed.
Taking it like an absolute champ, Danica chatted it out with Antigoni, who was none too thrilled about being forced to couple with Charlie Radnedge.
But nonetheless, viewers were heartbroken for the plucky star, who has suffered knock back after knock back.

Upon first entering the villa, she chose to be coupled with Luca Bish, who obviously only has eyes for Gemma.
She then had a snog with hunky Italian Davide - who snubbed her at the subsequent recoupling in favour of Antigoni.
Next, she expressed her interest in Andrew, who is in majorly deep with model Tasha and so gave her a polite thanks but no thanks.
So what's going on? She's pretty, vivacious and brimming with confidence so what's not to like?

According to a body language expert, the problem is down to an innocent mistake Danica made when choosing how to present herself.
Speaking to The Mirror on behalf of Slingo, expert Darren Stanton says Danica's confidence has unfairly been interpreted as 'too full on', but insists she's not as tough as she seems.
"While Danica oozes confidence on the outside, deep down she can be vulnerable at times in respect of self-assurance and worldliness. As confident and powerful as she likes to portray herself, this isn’t a true reflection of her character.
"She has a big heart but she’s competing against some very strong characters in the villa and the more she faces rejection, the more it eats away at her character.

"In her attempts to find a man, her actions have naturally been received by the guys as being too full on. They can be taken quite aback by her confidence and it can make them hesitant to pursue things on a romantic level.
"In the minds of the boys, rightly or wrongly Danica has not portrayed her strengths in the right way which has caused them to unconsciously avoid her."
And while things don't bode well with Jay, there could be hope when Casa Amor kicks off!
Darren added: "Her couple with Jay shows no signs of longevity, as their relationship doesn’t go further than surface level, there is no connection there.
"For Danica, Casa Amor could be where she shines as there are new opportunities to build relationships with guys who don’t already have their attention fixed on existing relationships. "