A frantic search at a garbage dump unearthed a diamond ring worth more than 400,000 baht the owner had accidentally thrown out with the rubbish.
A Bangkok woman who gave her name and age as Ning, 36, posted a video online of her experience. By Tuesday it had more than 2 million views on TikTok.
She told local media she worked at a construction site and stayed at a residence in Muang district of Nakhon Phanom province.
On the morning of Oct 23, she took off the ring, wrapped it in toilet tissue, put it aside and washed her hands. She forgot to put the ring back on, leaving it behind, and the tissue paper later ended up in a rubbish bin outside the house.
When she realised what she had done she desperately tracked down the rubbish truck that makes regular collections in the area. She was horrified to learn the garbage had already been dumped at the provincial landfill in tambon Pho Tak.
After hiring about 20 people to help with a desperate search to unearth the ring, Ning herself found the jewellery about 30 hours later among the piles of rubbish.
Ning said it was a miracle she found it at all because the garbage dump spread across 70 rai of land. And although the ring had cost more than 400,000 baht, she said it wasn’t the monetary but the sentimental value that was most important, since it was her wedding ring.