Speaking of Penny Mordaunt and dealing with the EU, Lord Frost says that “she did not master the necessary detail in the negotiations”. This from the man who was instrumental in negotiating the Brexit deal, including the Northern Ireland protocol, oversaw it becoming part of a legally binding international treaty, then immediately turned around and said it was a crap arrangement, so much so that it justifies breaking the law?
Graeme Innes-Johnstone
Elland, West Yorkshire
• The marshmallow test establishes whether someone can resist temptation by not eating one marshmallow now, resistance being rewarded with two marshmallows after a delay. Young children usually fail the test – as, I would suggest, do the candidates for Tory leadership (with the possible exception of Rishi Sunak). Immediate tax cuts are favoured at the cost of not getting good public services in the future.
Prof Frederick Toates
Milton Keynes
• I would propose one simple test for Tory leadership candidates that could be very telling and would differentiate them from the current leader: in an interview situation, can they directly answer a question they have been asked?
Carolyn Sutton
Glastonbury, Somerset
• It is an unforgivable slur on Paul McCartney by Penny Mordaunt for her to liken him, one of the most generous, talented, lovable people in the world, to the selfish charlatan who presently occupies No 10 (Report, 13 July).
Mark Whitfield
Mojácar, Spain
• I can only think that the reason Boris Johnson plans to leave office with his “head held high” (Report, 13 July) is to avoid the foul stench he has left behind.
David Monk
Little Neston, Cheshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.