Sophie Morgan joined Josie Gibson and Dermot O'Leary on This Morning today to discuss her recovery journey after being paralysed following a car crash when the disability advocate was 18-years-old.
During the interview, Josie pointed out the Loose Women star's preference of referring to the collision as a "crash".
The ITV presenter replied: "I did take a very deliberate decision about a decade ago to stop using language around my crash and calling it an accident and [instead] calling it a crash. I decided it was very important to take responsibility for the things that I have done in my life and take responsibility for everything that I do in my life."

Sophie pointed out she wanted to make it clear she "wasn't just a victim of circumstance".
The Loose Women star referred to her life-changing collision as a "textbook crash".
She continued: "I hadn't had my licence was long, if you look at statistics with young drivers a lot of them crash in the first six to seven months so there are a lot of dangers that we're in and I really wanted someone to go, 'There was things that Sophie did that perhaps I could avoid. Mistakes she made that I could avoid.'"

The Loose Women panellist wanted to make sure her crash wasn't referred to as an accident because it "wasn't out of her hands".
"The steering wheel was in my hands, it was my mistake that I made that led to this situation," Sophie added.
This Morning's Josie, who is stepping in to host this week while Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby enjoy a break, asked Sophie how her approach to life changed after becoming paralysed at 18.

"There is a lot stopping me because I live as a wheelchair user," she said. "It is challenging and there are lots of things I wish were easier... The person I was is the person I still am which is a little determined, a little bit difficult, a little bit challenging, won't take no for an answer.
"I definitely brought a lot of those traits with me, I definitely lost a lot and gained a lot.
"That's the process of growing up anyway I was 18 when it happened I didn't know who I was."
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