Brenda Edwards has shared a powerful reflection of the past twelve months, hours after she amazed fans with her performance on Get Britain Singing.
The Loose Women favourite, 53, was praised by judges and viewers of the special ITV show and it seems the entire experience meant a lot to her after an incredibly difficult year.
She posted: "Being asked to take part in Get Britain Singing was an honour as singing and music is a major part of mine and my whole families life.
"There is so much joy to be found in singing, it is very uplifting when I feel weary and it will always provide that bridge for me to find a little peace over troubled water."

Brenda added that she was grateful she was able to share her moment in the spotlight with her Loose Women pals Judi Love, Kelle Bryan, Linda Robson, Colleen Nolan and Denise Welch. "Thanks to all the audience who voted for us to win that was such a shock!"
In the lengthy post, she also noted the tragic loss of her son Jamal, and a string of health issues which affected her emotionally and stopped her from taking to the stage for the Snow White pantomime in Wimbledon, where she is playing the role of the Spirit of Pantomime.

Brenda continued: "This year anything that could go wrong has done for me starting with my baby Jamal then a broken ankle and now for most of this week on the anniversary of my Mum and Dads anniversary of their passing 48 years ago,I was struck down with this awful flu bug which has unfortunately meant I haven’t been able to do my shows @newwimbledontheatre, but like Arnie says I’ll be back, I’m determined to come back and have really missed the Snow White gang who are all so talented."

Speaking of talent, the Get Britain Singing panel were very complementary about the Loose Women's collective set of pipes.
Brenda thanked the judges, Will.iAm, Alesha Dixon, Adam Lambert and Jason Mansford "for all your words of encouragement, it meant so much and to the whole loose women family thank you for supporting me and helping me to get through this dreadful year, all of you I cannot thank enough I love you all deeply see you in the new year!"