If you're a savvy shopper, you'll be all over the early Black Friday deals happening now, which are turning out some excellent discounts on outdoor gear. Right now, you can pick up a Zippo 12 Hour Refillable Hand Warmer for just $12.38 at Amazon. That's a massive savings of 50% off the regular list price for this tiny piece of kit that makes an excellent stocking stuffer for friends and family.
The best hand warmers can turn a potentially miserable ski trip, winter hike or dog walk into a day of warm joy, because winter activities are so much more enjoyable when you’re prepared for the cold. Just pop them inside your gloves and they bring a lovely warming relief to freezing digits.
Some hand warmers are disposable, which isn't so great for the planet, but refillable fuel-based ones such as this one can be used again and again and came up best in our field tests for warmth. This flameless Zippo runs on lighter fluid and promises 12 hours of gentle warmth. This model comes with a two-year guarantee and comes with a soft carrying case to keep it protected inside your backpack.
If you're shopping for deals on outdoor gear, we'll be all over the best Black Friday camping deals as they roll in, and we've already laid out the best deals in REI's big winter sale happening now.
Not in the US? scroll down to the bottom of this article for today's best deals on Zippo hand warmers where you are.
This deal applies to the black colorway and is only offered for a limited time, so we suggest acting fast to save.
If you're not in the US, here are today's best offers on Zippo hand warmers near you: