Lockerbie sizzled in the sun on Saturday as the town came together for the annual Riding of the Marches and Gala Day.
ROM chairman Ian McLatchie said he has never seen the streets as packed for the lunchtime parade or the evening pipers and beat the retreat.
Too hard ground meant the chases were called off but it didn’t prevent a magnificent cavalcade of horses led by Cornet Ewan Lowther, Cornet’s Lass Eilidh Kennedy, and Standard Bearer Penny McLatchie, as they rode the ancient loanings and the marches and meiths of the old Lamb Fairground before meeting up with the floats for the gala parade.
The procession was led by Lockerbie Pipe Band and the royal float with Gala Queen Ella Howatson and her senior attendants, Mya Guthrie and Grace Handley, and junior attendants Lenyx Adair, Olivia Davis, Rhiley Ferries and Sydney Scott; as well as flower girl Darcie McDonald and page girl Chloe Teasdale, supported by Miss Valentine, Isla Beeton.

And there was fun in the sun from the locals who braved the heat to perform their themed acts, honed over the past few weeks, for the appreciative spectators who packed the pavements – all competing for the coveted trophies.
The prize for best in parade went to Mrs Bell’s Boys, RLM received the De Luca Trophy for most entertaining and young Ari Davidson was presented with the Dod Gass Cup for best individual entertainer.
The parade was followed by the turn up in McJerrow Park of outdoor games, a bouncy pirate ship, soft play and inflatables, surf simulator, face painting, high striker, Double Trouble Circus workshops, and human demolition zone.
Thanks go to Dot and Tucker McGuinness for donating crisps and juice for the children and the ROM team gave away 500 free ice cream vouchers – which were much in demand, given the heat.

McJerrow proved the perfect place to picnic in the park with many settling in for the afternoon with space on the grass few and far between.
The ROM committee has offered their appreciation to everyone who attended or helped to make it such a “fantastic day”.
A spokesperson said: “A heartfelt thank you to every business, organisation, club, group or individual who helps and supports our events either financially or donating their time, supplying refreshments, participating or assisting us in countless other ways.
“When you get such great feedback on the big day it honestly makes the (literal) blood, sweat and tears so worthwhile. Here’s to 2024, Forward Lockerbie.”